THE DAILY SHOW hyped the confrontation of Jim Cramer, CNBC clown, and Jon Stewart, Grand Inquisitor, as “Brawl Street.” Cramer, the disgraced former hedge fund manager who hosts “Mad Money,” was pummeled by Stewart’s relentless interrogation. Stewart charged Cramer and his lackeys at CNBC–the premier financial news channel–for missing the biggest economic news story of the century. Cramer and the CNBC “experts” were busy selling the idea that the Market was safe for 401Ks and personal investment, downplaying risks while relentlessly promoting their favorite stocks. Clearly, Stewart wasn’t drinking that Kool-Aid. Stewart hammered Cramer with TV clips where Cramer is shown boasting how he had manipulated the Market. Pretty damning evidence. Cramer is a fraud and Jon Stewart exposed him as the corrupt fool he is. The larger question is why did it take a comedian on the Comedy Network to reveal Cramer’s duplicity instead of the Wall Street Journal, or…CNBC?
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