I don’t know if they are national or what, but ast least in Florida they don’t just have George & Abe selling mattresses on President’s Day but rapping for Hondas!
The “real thrust” of President’s Day is big business not wanting to give employees two days off (Lincoln and Washington) as we had it in the old days, but just one. However, this way all 44 get some love, I guess. Maybe this is a good day to keep cool (with Coolidge). Or something. Happy day, everyone.
Rick, the Powers That Be wanted a stable Monday holiday in February instead of a couple of floating holidays (Lincoln and Washington’s Birthdays). I ran some errands today and the roads were full of cars and the store parking lots were full. Of course, tomorrow brings us another 3-4 inches of snow.
Is this in response to the sexy George Washington comment I made last year? Oh my goodness, this made me laugh! Although, I was thinking of something more along the lines of this: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=sexy%20%22george%20washington%22&cbir=ms&mid=BFFBB68083F85F12F26F232283BE7942DBB09BA6&Form=IMSFRD&vw=29e3d%2027dd5%20a83b1%20c3276%20db90c%20d11b0%203ac75%203f884%20f0c71%2025b6c%20a8fef%20f088c%2062a71%20569fe%200ec04%2055d95%20e0fb6%2038815%207e28a%20ce328%20ce16c6a599f2d9911905708cc65823cdb1452f5c76e0664c7d3df01959ba3fa7dce0237539a9c07ba33567cfa0eb4c6562a3&rxc=12
George Bustington?
Yes, Lauren. Your comment last year had something to do with today’s posting!
Jerry, very clever!
I don’t know if they are national or what, but ast least in Florida they don’t just have George & Abe selling mattresses on President’s Day but rapping for Hondas!
I don’t think you are conveying the real thrust of the holidays here, George.
Jeff, we have plenty of commercials with George & Abe selling everything from mattresses to cars to wine.
Guilty as charged, Patti.
The “real thrust” of President’s Day is big business not wanting to give employees two days off (Lincoln and Washington) as we had it in the old days, but just one. However, this way all 44 get some love, I guess. Maybe this is a good day to keep cool (with Coolidge). Or something. Happy day, everyone.
There’s a Valley Forge joke in there but I’ll let it pass.
Rick, the Powers That Be wanted a stable Monday holiday in February instead of a couple of floating holidays (Lincoln and Washington’s Birthdays). I ran some errands today and the roads were full of cars and the store parking lots were full. Of course, tomorrow brings us another 3-4 inches of snow.
Bob, I’m sure you could forge a joke out of anything!