Fans of Sherlock Holmes pastiches might enjoy this gender-bending series which begins with John Watson and his doctor son investigating a suspicious death. During their investigation, they meet Joanna Blalock (aka, The Daughter of Sherlock Holmes), a widow with uncanny deductive abilities only rivaled by her brilliant son who amazingly resembles the young Sherlock Holmes. Together, the Watsons and Joanna peel away the clues hiding a monstrous crime.
In A Study in Treason launches the Watsons and Joanna into a frantic search for a missing Government document. This case is set in 1914 and World War I is starting. If the Government document falls into the Wrong Hands, it could be a disaster. Joanna solves a locked room puzzle and leads the Watsons and Inspector Lestrade (son of the original) of Scotland Yard on a thrilling hunt.
The Disappearance of Alistair Ainsworth features a German spy group who has kidnapped one of England’s key cryptographers–Alistair Ainsworth. Joanna and the Watsons chase the spies who have the man who could change the outcome of World War I if he reveals the military codes to the Germans. I enjoyed all three books. Quick, fun reads! GRADE: B (for all three novels)