With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I thought this 80s Love Songs compilation would bring some romantic thoughts into your minds. I always liked Berlin’s “Take My Breath Away.” Marvin Gaye’s classic “Sexual Healing” and “Slow Hand” amp up the mood.

But there are a couple of clunkers here. Starship’s “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now” and Leo Sayer’s “More Than I Can Say” are weak links.

Do you remember these love songs from the 1980s? GRADE: B

Track Listing:

1Take My Breath AwayBerlin04:19
2No One Is to BlameHoward Jones03:36
3More Than I Can SayLeo Sayer03:04
4SukiyakiA Taste of Honey03:37
5Lessons in LoveLevel 4204:34
6It Might Be YouStephen Bishop04:27
7Sexual HealingMarvin Gaye04:51
8Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now Albert Hammond / Diane WarrenStarship04:22
9Slow HandThe Pointer Sisters04:52
Joanna Clifford Adams / Robert “Kool” Bell / Ronald Bell / James L. Bonnefond / George “Funky” Brown / Claydes Smith / James “J.T.” Taylor / Curtis “Fitz” Williams
Kool & the Gang03:33

15 thoughts on “80s LOVE SONGS

  1. Deb

    Another mish-mash. And what is party anthem “Celebration” doing amidst these slow jams? In my humble opinion, the best pop songs about love are:

    Buddy Holly’s “True Love Ways” (first dance at my wedding).

    The Seekers’ “I’ll Never Find Another You”.

    Talking Heads’ “I Guess That This Must Be the Place”.

    Cat Stevens’s “Two Fine People”.

    That’s it. That’s the list!

  2. Fred Blosser

    I like “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now,” innocuous but well-crafted pop. But I’m a lone voice here, I expect.

  3. Fred Blosser

    Beware “New stereo recordings by the original artists.” Are they original recordings simply re-mastered for stereo, or completely new recordings? If the latter, they aren’t the versions you heard on the radio back then.

  4. Jeff Meyerson

    The biggest surprise here is that “Sexual Healing” was 1982. I would have guessed much earlier.

    “Slow Hand,” OK, but it wouldn’t make my list.

    “Sukiyaki”? Really?

  5. Beth Fedyn

    Probably my favorite here is Leo Sayer’s More Than I Can Say.
    I’m with you and Jeff on the Sukiyaki selection.

  6. Cap'n Bob

    The eighties were mostly a musical wasteland for me but there are a couple of good songs here! Also, some I don’t know! Marvin Gaye did a lot better than Sexual Healing, like What’s Going On?!

  7. Todd Mason

    With apologies to Beth, Sayer is one of those whose voice and choice of repertoire always annoyed the hell out of me, so I don’t think I recall this one, but will trust your dismissal. I’d forgotten about A Taste of Honey’s version of “Sukiyaki”…it’s sultry if thin and, well, forgettable. The YT segue from Taste is to Sade’s Much better “Is It a Crime”…Deb’s good list could stand to add that one, though Sade had several good candidates.

    It was hard to miss Berlin’s “Take My Breath Away”…I have had for decades Berlin’s first album, PLEASURE VICTIM, which was mostly (and amusingly) about sexual games, with the exception of one of the two hits, “The Metro”, vs. the other, very much on-topic, “Sex (I’m a…)”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pleasure_Victim

    1. Todd Mason

      Teri Nunn was pretty in “The Metro” video, but Helen Folosade Adu was consistently gorgeous. Crackers in bed not a problem, either way, of course, to late teens me.


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