While you’re reading this, Diane and I are on a Southwest flight to Albuquerque. Patrick’s busy travel schedule had an opening this week so we decided to visit him. Next month, Patrick heads to Hawaii for a computer conference. In February, he returns to South Korea. And there are several shorter trips between those jaunts.

Diane has visited Patrick in Albuquerque the past couple of years while I stayed home to work. I had “Personal Days” to use in 2014 (since I’m not going to BOUCHERCON) so we decided to use them for this quick trip. Have you been to Albuquerque? What should we visit? Where should we eat?

17 thoughts on “OFF TO ALBUQUERQUE!

  1. Cap'n Bob

    Nope, never been there. Lachman is the guy to ask. My youngest is in SoCal right now and has already hit Disneyland. By the time you make Albuquerque, I’ll be working.

  2. Prashant C. Trikannad

    George, I hope you and Diane have a really good time visiting your son. I think, as parents we steal every opportunity to be with our children after they are all grown up and have flown the nest. I’m dreading that day and it’s not far away.

  3. Patti Abbott

    Drive up to Santa Fe. It’s a quick trip and it is gorgeous. If you have more time Taos is even more unusual. Visit some of the Indian land,-so interesting. And there are some Spanish sites around too. I’ve been there twice and loved the area both times.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, Southwest managed to lose Diane’s luggage AND my luggage! Diane always has a day’s worth of clothing in her carry-on bag. I carry on my meds and CPAP.

  4. Jeff Meyerson

    Have a great trip, George. We’ve never been to New Mexico but it is high on our list. I want to see Santa Fe and Albuquerque, but Jackie’s #1 deestination of choice (I swear I am not making this up) is Roswell. But it’s 200 miles southeast of you so probably not on the cards this time.

    I’m sure there is great green chile to be had everywhere.

  5. Richard R.

    You should have reread a Hillerman or two before the trip. Enjoy. I can’t imagine how Patrick does his teaching and does all the travel.


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