HAP & LEONARD [Sundance Channel]

Bill Crider recommended Hap & Leonard (based on Joe Landsdale’s characters) on the Sundance cable channel so I watched the three episodes available. Hap and Leonard are working at a rose farm (who knew such things existed) when their boss tells them to pack up. The Mexicans are coming and they’ll work cheaper. After losing their jobs, Hap and Leonard are approached by Hap’s former wife, Tracy, who is played to perfection by Christina Hendricks. Christina’s second husband was part of a bank robbery. The get-away car full of money sank in a river during the police chase. Christina’s husband goes to prison with the secret of where the money car is. Hap and Leonard are recruited to help find the car full of money. But, of course, nothing is that simple. Complications of the violent kind change the trajectory of the story. If you’re looking for a series with an Elmore Leonard flavor, I recommend Hap & Leonard.

19 thoughts on “HAP & LEONARD [Sundance Channel]

  1. Jeff Meyerson

    We’l be catching this one when we get home, We shouldn’t have as many shows to catch up on this year as last year. I was a big fan of Williams’s portrayal of Omar Little on THE WIRE.

  2. Bill Crider

    I think Christina Hendricks is great. It’s like she was born and raised in East Texas. I’ve seen only the first two episodes. I’m watching them on TV as they show up. Well, I’m recording them and then watching them so I can skip the commercials.

    1. maggie mason

      Bill, I’m right there with you on skipping commercials. I watch the same amount of tv, but more shows. It’s appalling that about 1/3 of the shows are commercials.

  3. Patti Abbott

    Saw the first and will tape the next two. Somehow it got by me. Hendricks and Williams were especially convincing.

  4. Beth Fedyn

    I’ve only seen the first episode but really enjoyed it.

    I heard Joe Lansdale interviewed on Fresh Air recently. One of his many jobs back in the day was working in the rose fields. I had never heard of that either.

    1. george Post author

      Rick, I just listened to Joe Lansdale being interviewed on FRESH AIR on NPR. Lansdale said he worked on a rose farm and that scene in HAP & LEONARD is an example of his work experience.

  5. maggie mason

    thanks Will check the schedules for it I knew it was coming, but somehow missed the exact dates. I remember reading and enjoying at least one of the books

    1. george Post author

      Maggie, HAP & LEONARD are on Wednesday nights on the SUNDANCE Channel. But you can also go to the SUNDANCE web site and watch the episodes there. Of course, there are commercials in both instances.

  6. maggie mason

    I watched the first one and enjoyed it. Taped the other 2, but had to go to on demand (which lists the episode numbers) to make sure I had the correct order.

    I remembered the book I read, after seeing the uncle. IIRC, hap and leonard take care of the bad neighbors don’t recall the title but I really enjoyed it. If I read others, I don’t remember them


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