THE GREAT GAME By Lavie Tidhar

the great game
The Great Game begins with the death of Mycroft Holmes. Lavie Tidhar wrote this odd steam-punk novel back in 2012. England is ruled by alien lizards. Intelligent machines are on the rise. Humans battle the forces of darkness. Set in the early 20th Century in some weird alternate reality, a retired spy named Smith is reactivated to find out who murdered Mycroft Holmes. Two female agents join Smith in his investigation. But despite the battle scenes and the addition of Harry Houdini to the mix, I found The Great Game an overstuffed sausage. In this case, less would have been more. GRADE: C+

10 thoughts on “THE GREAT GAME By Lavie Tidhar

  1. Jeff Meyerson

    Coincidentally, I tried to read a different book by Tidhar last week because his stuff sounds so interesting, but I didn’t get into it either.

  2. steve oerkfitz

    I like Tidhar’s Osama a lot and his newest book, Central Station, is very good. Didn’t read The Great Game which is a follow up to The Bookman which I thought okay.

    1. george Post author

      Steve, I have CENTRAL STATION but haven’t gotten around to reading it. I may track down a copy of OSAMA, too. It’s hard to believe that OSAMA beat out Stephen King’s 11/22/63 and George R. R. Martin’s DANCE WITH DRAGONS for the World Fantasy award.

    1. george Post author

      Wolf, thanks for the link! Lavie Tidhar beat out Stephen King and George R. R. Martin for the World Fantasy award. That’s impressive!


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