32 thoughts on “DIANE GIVES ME A HAIRCUT!

  1. wolf

    To each his own …
    If Diane likes it this way, ok. It really looks professional.
    My wife however would prefer Albert’s look …

    1. maggie mason

      I do as well, Wolf growing up in the 60’s I still like long hair and facial hair. Sadly, many “oldies” are losing their hair

  2. Jerry House

    Yay for Diane! I sincerely hope she did not shear away your massive intelligence evidenced in the first picture.

      1. wolf

        George, that happens to all of us – I’ve even read somewhere that it’s faster with us poor men than with our lovely women!
        What’s especially awkward is the difference between active and passive memory.
        Sometimes/often I’m at a loss for an English word eg, but if you give me a list to choose from I immediately know which is right.
        And I also forget names of people …

      2. george Post author

        Wolf, I find it harder to remember names of actors, politicians, and people I haven’t seen in years (I had a terrible time at our 50th High School Reunion). But, I’m still pretty good at remembering writers and singers, and musical groups.

      3. wolf

        I had that problem too at our 50 years school reunion. I didn’t go to the ones before because I couldn’t stand our older teachers – used to call them Christian/Clerical fascists
        But I’ll always remember when one of the girls, sorry ladies, whose name I didn’t remember asked about me and then came up … and embraced me:
        You saved my life!
        She told me again she was so happy that I had helped her with maths and physics (which were obligatory, gave her extra lessons ) because with a 6 (corresponding to an F) she wouldn’t have made her “Abitur”, i e been allowed to go to university and her father would have been very angry …
        He had owned a small company – and paid really handsomely for my hours … πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, Diane–always the perfectionist–wants “more practice” so she can perfect her technique. The Panasonic Trimmer performed perfectly.

  3. Michael Padgett

    Sorry, George, but I’ve gotta vote for Before. I’ve wanted hair like that all my life.

    1. george Post author

      Michael, I think long hair looks best on the young. As a teenager, I had a crush on Marianne Faithfull with that long, straight hair.

      1. wolf

        a crush on Marianne Faithfull
        Another thing we have in common, george! πŸ™‚
        Though I was already a student at university when that song (her first record) appeared in 1964.

    1. george Post author

      Deb, Diane appreciates your kind words. Diane can’t wait until she can visit her hairstylist…but that’s probably a month away! I think the coronavirus pandemic has made the “shaggy look” a fashion statement!

    1. george Post author

      Patti, Diane is yearning for some red hair dye, too. Her hairstylist, Rita, warned Diane about trying to “Do It Yourself.” So Diane is waiting…impatiently.

  4. maggie mason

    The cut looks professionally done. Good Job, Dianne.

    I had my hair colored professionally twice. Neither time was I happy. I asked for semi permanent, and both gave me permanent color. The first made me a blonde, I had asked for light auburn. The second was nearly purple.

    I used a clairol natural instincts (forget the name of the color), but they discontinued the color and nothing else was similar, so when I ran out of the ones I had purchased (on sale) I gave up coloring.

    Now I want to go completely gray. I have a cream (mofojang) or something like that. It was recommended to me by an actor who used it for a role. He swore by it, saying it was temp. and didn’t get on bed linens, etc. I got it after the shutdown, so haven’t tried it yet. (want my stylist to do it first). I really need it for my new “real ID” driver’s lic. There is just enough brown still there to look mousy in pix.

    1. george Post author

      Maggie, Diane has been with Rita, her hairstylist, for years. Diane likes Rita’s skillful haircutting style and her mastery of dying hair with the right color.

      1. maggie mason

        my stylist says I’m the only person she has ever known who wanted to go grey. It’s not quite what I wanted, but since I got soooo grey I want it ALL grey

  5. Rick Robinson

    Nice job, Diane, George looks like…he got a haircut.

    Who knew that would be such a big deal. Honestly, until this pandemic came along, I had no idea the extent to which women, and to a lesser extent men, needed and relied on their salon. It was totally under my radar. It seems every woman is in need of hair cut/trim/color/treatment. Frankly, I’m amazed. I guess I just never paid attention.

    1. george Post author

      Rick, I knew Diane got a lot of services and hair products from her hairstylist, Rita. When Diane had a hair appointment, I didn’t expect her to return for hours. When I went to my local SUPERCUTS for my haircut, I was in and out in 6 minutes. “Number 4 Metal on the sides, and take a little off the top,” I’d say. And, zip zip zip, snip snip snip, and I was done.

  6. Beth Fedyn

    Looks good to me, George.
    Now all future haircut concerns are over.
    And Diane may have found a new career for her declining years.


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