No one will be surprised to learn we live in a corrupt world. Just how corrupt the world is takes 446 pages of Tom Burgis’s Kleptopia to document. Corrupt banks, Russian Oligarchs, international currency manipulation, ransomware, and assassinations feature in Burgis’s story of how the economic system is going to Hell. Written like a thriller, Kleptopia shows how criminal organizations and corrupt governments rake in billions of dollars.

And, it will come as no surprise that the Trump family is deeply involved in many of these nefarious enterprises. Dirty money flows all over the world and ends up in Swiss Bank accounts and Grand Cayman Island safe deposit boxes. Tax free.

If you’re interested in the growing corruption of the world’s trade, governments, and currencies, reading Kleptopia will keep you up at night. GRADE: A

Table of Contents:

A Note on Truth xi

Cast of Characters xiii

Part I Crisis

1 The Thief – Kensington, January 2008 3

2 A Feast – Whitehall February 2008 8

3 Tunnels – Cheapside, February 2008 25

4 The Dual State – Moscow, February 2008 30

5 Silhouette – Cheapside, July 2008 44

6 Mr Billy – Harare, September 2008 48

7 Shutdown – Cheapside, September 2008 58

8 The Fallen Oligarch – Astana, January 2009 60

9 Top Secret – London, April 2009 70

10 Paying Your Dues – Pretoria, September 2009 72

11 The Informant – Brooklyn, October 2009 74

12 The Real – London, May 2010 88

Part II Chrysalis

13 Beginnings – London, December 2010 93

14 Big Yellow – Finchley, February 2011 103

15 Watchdogs – London, March 2011 118

16 The Savarona – London, May 2011 121

17 Off the Boob – Rudny, May 2011 128

18 God’s Kingdom – St Paul’s, October 2011 136

19 Fear – Zhanaozen, December 2011 140

20 Stability – Cambridge, July 2012 154

21 Too Big to Jail – London, September 2012 170

22 Sasha and Seva – St James’s, March 2013 172

23 The Loving Cup – Canary Wharf, February 2013 185

24 The Presumption of Regularity – Rome, May 2013 189

25 A Legit Shithole – Cincinnati, August 2013 198

26 Risk Appetite – Canary Wharf August 2013 207

27 Doubles – Old Billingsgate, February 2014 209

28 The System – Canary Wharf, June 2014 214

Part III Metamorphosis

29 Conquest – Eastern Ukraine, August 2014 221

30 Privacy – Kensington, September 2014 228

31 The Bridge – Moscow, February 2015 233

32 His Footprints Are Not Found – Colchester, September 2015 239

33 Winners – Manhattan, November 2016 244

34 Saint or Sinner – Paris, December 2016 251

35 The Future – Colchester, December 2016 271

36 The Man With No Past – Washington, January 2017 274

37 It’s Over – Kensington, June 2017 288

38 The Story You Choose to Tell – Montreal, August 2017 291

39 Alternative Facts – London, March 2019 299

40 Quid Pro Quo – Washington, July 2019 310

41 Normal Business – Worldwide, 2020 327

Notes 341

Acknowledgements 425

Index 427


    1. george Post author

      Deb, Balzac was right and great crimes are on the rise according to Tom Burgis. Rogue countries shake down the World Economy and it all costs us more to live.

  1. Michael Padgett

    I’m full of awe and admiration for people who can read stuff like this, but I’m just not one of them.

    1. george Post author

      Michael, thank you for your awe and admiration!!! But, I taught Business for nearly 40 years so these types of books and topics are like crack cocaine to me!

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    The Trump family of grifters is corrupt? Surely not!

    I’m with Deb. I don’t want to read 446 pages that will only depress me worse.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, yes KLEPTOPIA has its depressing aspects, but Tom Burgis shows how deep the corruption is spreading. Something needs to be done soon to deal with it.

  3. Michael Padgett

    I should have added to my original comment that if you could put the information in this book into a solid two hour documentary I’d be there on opening day.

    1. george Post author

      Michael, the topics in KLEPTOPIA will show up in movies and documentaries in the years ahead because they’re so impactful. But, bottom-line, someone has to pay for all this economic dysfunction and it’s likely to be all of us!

  4. Patti Abbott

    I can barely even read your review of it. And I am hoping the US is not one of the rogue countries. But how can it not be.

    1. george Post author

      Rick, one of the subtitles to this blog is: TRUTH & CONSEQUENCES. I’m just trying to give everyone a heads up on what’s on the horizon. Sometimes it’s Good, sometimes it’s Bad.

  5. Cap'n Bob Napier

    Good thing we have those paragons of honesty and integrity the Clintons to offset all the crooks in the world! And the Bidens! And Pelosi! And Feinstein!


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