After crash-landing on Earth, an alien takes on the identity and appearance of a small-town Colorado doctor. While the alien searches for parts that have broken off his starship when it hit the ground, he has to contend humans and their strange ways. The alien’s secret mission is in danger by a Government agency investigating alien sightings.

The alien also has to deal with a local 9-year-old boy (whose father is the Mayor of the town) who is the only person who can recognize he is an alien. Resident Alien is based on the comic book of the same name by Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse. This is plenty of fun if you like snarky humor with a touch of The X-Files. GRADE: B+

18 thoughts on “RESIDENT ALIEN (SYFY Network)

  1. Steve Oerkfitz

    resident Alien is a lot better than I expected. Of course you have to leave all logic behind but I find myself laughing quite often. It helps that the casting is good. I’ve developed a crush on the bartender. She reminds me a bit of Jeanne Garofolo.

    1. george Post author

      Steve, like you I initially set the bar low for RESIDENT ALIEN. And, like you, RESIDENT ALIEN makes me laugh out loud with its snarky humor! I like Alice Wetterlund as the bartender, D’arcy Bloom, too.

  2. Michael Padgett

    This looks sort of interesting, and back in the pre-streaming days I might have given it a try. But ten years or so into the streaming era I rarely watch anything with commercials except news and sports. It just seems like too much trouble to record them and FF through the commercials, especially when the commercial breaks are as lengthy and relentless as those on the SYFY Network. Or maybe I’m just lazy.

      1. george Post author

        Jeff, I’ll be interesting in what you and Jackie think of it. The clever plots unfold a bit in each episode.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, you and Jackie would find the snarky humor fun. Past episodes of RESIDENT ALIEN are available ON DEMAND on our cable system. I watch RESIDENT ALIEN on Wednesday nights on SYFY.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, if SYFY is on your cable system, you’ll find the antics of the alien in RESIDENT ALIEN funny. He also has to solve a mystery, too.

  3. maggie mason

    For whatever reason I can’t remember, I began recording it. Then Beth mentioned how funny it was and I started watching it and really enjoy it. I enjoy the premise, which requires some suspension of belief, and what I consider subtle humor. Love Alan Tudyk as the alien. HIs antics with the child who sees the real him are hysterical, as was his dancing (better than RUMP) I’m hoping for a second season, not having read the source material

  4. Beth Fedyn

    Jeff, start at the beginning.
    As Maggie mentioned, I’m really enjoying this series. The alien was also hysterical playing basketball.
    I saw an ad for a show called Breeders that starts next Monday night. This looks good too.

    1. maggie mason

      I tried breeders, but gave up on it after about 3 shows. One thing that bothered me as the profanity (a LOT of it) around children I didn’t really like either of the characters


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