18 thoughts on “FAVORITE BOOKS OF 2022

  1. Todd Mason

    Three new and five old! I can share your enthusiasm for Marune and the first volume of Galactic Empires, those being the ones I encountered in my youth (the Vance as an Amazing SF serial, the Aldiss in a similarly battered secondhand (or more) condition at some bookshop or library sale. Should look into the others…

  2. Steve A Oerkfitz

    My favorite reads this year:
    Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy (reread) .
    Desert Star by Michael Connelly
    City On Fire by Don Winslow
    Sin Killer quartet by Larry McMurtry
    Every Cloak Rolled in Blood by James Lee Burke
    Book ,of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe (reread)
    Heat 2 by Michael Mann
    Fairy Tale by Stephen King
    Cinema Speculation by Quentin Taratino
    The Furies by John Connelly

    1. george Post author

      Patti, I could have added more titles, but it gets too unwieldy. The NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW puts out a list of 100 BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR. Way too many!

  3. Jerry House

    Perhaps not the best I read, but certainly memorable:

    Frank Gruber – Outlaw
    “Victor Appleton” – Tom Swift Circling the Globe (in which Tom and his buddy Ned mow down hundreds of natives with machine guns)
    Charles Birkin – Devil’s Spawn (early grand guignol from the “Creeps Library”
    S. A Cosby – Blacktop Wasteland and Razorblade Tears
    Paul Trembley – The Cabin at the End of the World
    Chad Oliver – Another Kind
    August Deleth – The Complete ARKHAM SAMPLER (all eight issues)
    Grady Hendrix – The Final Girl Support Group
    Bill Pronzini – Dago Red
    Silvia Moreno-Garcia – Mexican Gothic
    John Scalzi – The Kaiju Preservation Society
    Darcy Little Badger – A Sanke Falls to Earth
    Doug TenNapel – Ghostopolis
    Joe R. Lansdale – Bubba and the Cosmic Bloodsuckers (the novel, not the graphic novel, which I haven’t got to yet)

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, I love your List! I occasionally run across an old Tom Swift book from the early 20th Century. Exciting, but not politically correct. Like you, I enjoyed THE KAIJU PRESERVATION SOCIETY with the tricky gender of the narrator.

    2. Beth Fedyn

      I’ve read and enjoyed many from your list, Jerry.
      I used Velvet Was the Night by Silvia Moreno-Garcia for my book group last night. Very enjoyable and – by far – the sexiest book cover I’ve seen in a long time. George, it’s headed your way in the Christmas box.

  4. Jeff Meyerson

    Jerry has the best list, i.e. the closest to my own. I loved the two Cosby books, though I read them in 2021. Also read the Scalzi and Pronzini. That STUPID THINGS book looks good.

    I read over 850 short stories this year. Nearly half of my total books read are in short story volumes.

    Favorite (non fiction, then short stories, mysteries, other fiction)s:
    Lawrence Block, A Writer Prepares
    Ann Hood, Fly Girl: A Memoir
    Chris Offutt, My Father the Pornographer
    David Milch, Life’s Work: A Memoir
    Martin Edwards, The Life of Crime
    Stanley Tucci,, Taste: My Life Through Food
    Bill Geist, Lake of the Ozarks
    Amy Bloom, In Love: A Memoir

    Roddy Doyle, Without Children
    Bill Pronzini, Dago Red
    Edward D. Hoch, Constant Hearses
    Chris Offutt, Out of the Woods
    Dan CHaon, Stay Awake
    Scithers & Schweitzer, eds., Another Round at the Spaceport Bar

    Nick Petrie, The Runaway
    Stephen Spotswood, Fortune Favors the Dead
    Jeffrey Siger, One Last Chance
    Brandon Webb & John David Martin, Cold Fear
    Paula Munier, The Wedding Plot
    Ramona Emerson, Shutter
    Chris Offutt, The Killing Hills (favorite book of the year)
    Shifty’s Boys
    Michael Robotham, Good Girl, Bad Girl
    Richard Osman, The Bullet That Missed
    Hayley Scrivenor, Dirt Creek
    Michael Connelly, Desert Star
    Shelley Burr, Wake

    Fredrick Backman, Anxious People
    Nita Prose, The Maid
    John Scalzi, The Kaiju Preservation Society
    Stephen King, Billy Summers
    Emma Straub, This Time Tomorrow

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, I was on the bubble with Chris Offutt’s THE KILLING HILLS and SHIFTY’S BOYS. With a nudge I would have added them to the list. I have Block’s A WRITER PREPARES in my Read Real Soon stack. I enjoyed Hoch’s CONSTANT HEARSES, but I prefer Hoch’s major characters.

  5. wolfi7777

    Too many books and not enough time …
    How many hours do you spend reading books every day?
    I just manage a few titles of my “old” SF collection and then of course the news from all over the world.

    1. george Post author

      Wolf, I try to read a book a day. I can usually read a couple hundred pages in the morning and finish a book after I go to the Pool in the late afternoon. I rarely read at night anymore because I’m just too sleepy to concentrate. So Diane and I usually watch some TV before we go to bed.

      1. Steve A Oerkfitz

        You must speed read. I manage about 30 pages an hour depending on the book/author. If I try to read faster all i get is the plot. I

  6. Carl V. Anderson

    Ah, some great looking books there. I didn’t get the Harris art volume for Christmas, so I’ll definitely be getting it for myself sometime soon. Need to reread the first volume as it has been a while.

    I didn’t read as much sci fi as usual last year, and most of what I read was rereads. Which was good, it was fun revisiting Scalzi and Asimov and Heinlein. I do want to get to more sci fi this year that I haven’t previously read. I certainly have no shortage of classics and contemporary books in the house to pull from.

    1. george Post author

      Carl, I know you love art books especially those with SF and fantasy images. The Harris volume is even better than the first volume! You’ll really appreciate it!


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