27 thoughts on “HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!

  1. Todd Mason

    All such imagery always reminds me of Larry Niven’s “Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex” speculations. Of course, for whatever reason Niven didn’t choose to make the similar extrapolation of why no human men (or women, with somewhat less risk) could safely couple with Wonder Woman, much less Supergirl or, among latter-day examples, Buffy and her fellow Vampire Slayers. At least not if they got the superwomen at all actually excited. Crush injuries, and some perhaps caused by the exterior embraces as well, would be the obvious problems. Dentata phobias have Nothing on these scenarios. (There was in the ’90s briefly a newsstand magazine called DRACULINA, for dentata fetishists. I suspect it was a more limited market than they hoped.)

    A lovely St. V’s to all, and far more romantic or at least kind thoughts as well…

    1. george Post author

      Todd, I made reservations at Diane’s favorite local restaurant, The Hideaway Grill, and we’re going to enjoy a wonderful meal and the harpist.

      1. george Post author

        Jeff, my sister in Arizona just called me to say that her three grandchildren–who live outside Baltimore–just tested positive for Covid-19. And, they were vaccinated.

      2. george Post author

        Todd, my sister’s vaccinated grandchildren situation just goes to show that the Covid-19 virus is hard to stop. So far, the kids just had fevers.

  2. Deb

    Happy Valentine’s Day to all! Our anniversary and Valentine’s Day are so close together, we generally have one celebration. We had a very nice dinner out on Saturday night. Today being a work day, we’ll exchange cards and small gifts this evening. I did buy a strawberry-walnut Brie-en-crute that we were supposed to have for dessert last night during the Super Bowl, but we binged on chicken wings and totally forgot to heat it up! That will be our dessert tonight.

    1. george Post author

      Deb, Happy Anniversary and Happy Valentine’s Day! Diane and I will exchange our Valentine’s Day cards later today. Sadly, no Brie…

  3. Jerry House

    That’s a great artist conception of you and Diane, George! Do you always wear your underwear on the outside?

    Have a great Valentine’s Day, you two. Enjoy some good food today, along with some appropriate snugglin’ and smoochin’.

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours! I have another graphic with Clark Kent and Lois Lane…but this graphic looks more like ME!

  4. Jeff Meyerson

    Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy Anniversaries to Deb and John and to Rick & Barbara.

    Jackie selected Cheesecake Factory for her Meal of Choice, and rather than cheesecake, we’ll stop beforehand and pick up a small chocolate cream piece for dessert.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, I have eaten at THE CHEESECAKE FACTORY many times and with the size of their portions, I’ve never had room for dessert. Diane makes a great cheesecake!

  5. Rick Robinson

    Happy Valentine’s Day to all. We’ve got rain today, which is wonderful, and I have a migraine, which is not. I was going to make an enchilada casserole, but now it looks like Taco Bell. Sigh.

      1. george Post author

        Todd, molds are always a problem for me, both inside and outside. We have low temperatures but a very bright sun so…who knows?

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