16 thoughts on “HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!

    1. george Post author

      Todd, Patrick and Katie arranged an impromptu trip to New York City that included TWO Broadway shows. We also enjoyed some site-seeing, wonderful meals, and visiting Patrick’s swanky apartment in Brooklyn during this whirlwind weekend!

  1. Deb

    Happy Father’s Day to you, George, and all the other Dads out there. Today we’re having all three girls here for dinner: steak, baked potatoes, grilled mushrooms, and grilled Brussels sprouts. There are also a number of gifts which will be opened this afternoon when everyone gets here.

    1. george Post author

      Deb, Patrick and Katie gave me the gift of an impromptu weekend in NYC. I was completely surprised! But they made all the flight, hotel, meal, and Broadway show arrangements! Diane and I flew back to Buffalo on Father’s Day. Patrick took us to the Newark Airport because he was flying to a computer conference at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, so we shared a Lyft. Sounds like John (and the rest of you!) enjoyed a Father’s Day Feast!

    1. george Post author

      Patti, thanks for the kind words. If having an on-time flight and no travel problems (other than a slight delay in Buffalo while we waited on the tarmac for a gate to open up) qualifies as a great day, I’ll take it! Over 800 flights were canceled yesterday and I thought ours might be one of them…but we lucked out.

    1. george Post author

      Dan, there aren’t many kids who would book flights to NYC, a suite at the Marriott Hotel on 44th Street, buy tickets to TWO Broadway shows, and provide transportation around the city. Patrick and Katie take wonderful care of their parents!

  2. wolf

    Happy Father’s Day to you George and all the other fathers!
    Fun fact:
    In Germany Christ’s Ascension Day is an official holiday (was May 26 this year) and it’s an unofficial Father’s Day.
    What does that mean?
    Many men, mainly younger ones, not yet fathers, go out into the country with a keg of beer on a small wooden cart (Leiterwagen), some bottles of spirits and lots of food to have fun – without their wives and girlfriends!
    It’s men only on this day!

  3. maggie mason

    Have a great day. I posted a bunch of pix of my dad and his creations on facebook (most notable a lamp he made out of a water pump with acrylic “water” pouring into a glass.)

    1. george Post author

      Maggie, I miss my father, too. My father loved to paint houses and rooms in houses. He also built me a study in our basement so I had a place to do my homework and store the increasing number of books I was buying.

  4. Jeff Meyerson

    Happy Father’s Day all. George and Diane (and their kids) were in New York this weekend seeing even more shows. I believe they went home today (the airlines willing, of course).

    My most vivid Father;s Day memory is not a good one. The story is that I “gave” chicken pox to my father on Father’s Day whatever years it was that I had it. He was a lot sicker than I was.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, Diane and I had a great time on the impromptu Father’s Day weekend trip to NYC. I wish we could have found time to meet up with you and Jackie, but Patrick and Katie had every moment of our visit scripted and planned. Next time we’re going NYC, Diane and I will arrange time to spend with you and Jackie.


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