I wasn’t familiar with Holly Black before I read The Poison Eaters and Other Stories (2010). I don’t remember where or when I acquired The Poison Eaters but suspect it was some time ago. But, now that I’ve read some of Holly Black’s work, I want to read more.
One of my favorite stories in this collection is “Paper Cuts Scissors” about a librarian who is hired by a book collector to catalog his library. But, the librarian discovers a secret the collector hides about activities that occur after Midnight.
I also was mesmerized by the title story in this collection, “The Poison Eaters.” Three sisters of a royal family try to negotiate the politics of the Royal Court. Their father is on the outs with the King so recruiting possible suitors challenges the family. Through a series of actions two of the three sisters become ghosts. The lone surviving sister finds a dire future before her.
Holly Black’s The Poison Eaters and Other Stories presents a range of stories, but all of them are well-crafted and some will haunt you long after you finish them. GRADE: B+
- The Coldest Girl in Coldtown — 1
- A Reversal of Fortune — 29
- The Boy Who Cried Wolf — 49
- The Night Market — 57
- The Dog King — listen to it on Podcastle — 77
- Virgin — 91
- In Vodka Veritas — 105
- The Coat of Stars — 123
- Paper Cuts Scissors — listen to it on Podcastle — 147
- Going Ironside — 171
- The Land of Heart’s Desire — 175
- The Poison Eaters — 195
She has showed up in a few anthologies I have read. I think most of her output has been YA.
Steve, you’re right about Holly Black’s Young Adult books–there are a lot of them! But I’m getting the feeling Holly Black is moving more into the Horror realm for adults.
I haven’t read any of Black’s work—which seems to lean toward YA fantasy—but she’s very popular in Romancelandia. I often see her work referenced and reviewed on romance sites, particularly her Folk of the Air trilogy (THE CRUEL PRINCE, THE WICKED KING, THE QUEEN OF NOTHING). I don’t think her books would be my cup of tea, but she has a big following out there.
Deb, I’m ready to be a Holly Black follower after reading THE POISON EATERS AND OTHER STORIES. Clearly, she’s a writer with impressive range!
Her short fiction has (mostly, I think…but I don’t follow YA closely) been published for adult readership…pigeonholing can get at us all…
Todd, some of Holly Black’s stories in THE POISON EATERS could easy fit into the CABINET OF CURIOSITIES.
Always exciting to discover a new voice.
Patti, exactly! I may have seen some of Holly Black’s YA books over the years, but I’ve had THE POISON EATERS on my shelf for at least a decade. I’m guessing someone recommended Holly BLack to me and I bought the book…and promptly forgot about until last week.
Her name is vaguely familiasr but I don’t think I’ve read anything by her. Will check this one out, though.
Jeff, Holly Black writes a variety of stories. Some I liked better than others.
I wish her luck but I won’t be along for the ride!
Bob, I would ride shotgun for Holly Black anytime!