Ed Lacy’s Room to Swing won the Edgar Award for Best Novel in 1958. Room to Swing made history by featuring the first African-American detective in a mystery in the noir genre.

Ed Lacy created the character of Tousssaint Moore, college educated and a decorated war veteran, who finds his opportunities are limited because of his race. Moore works as a private detective in and around Harlem. When Moore is hired by the producers of a reality television program called You–Detective! his troubles multiply. Moore finds a man murdered and flees New York City when he’s framed for the killing.

Moore drives to a small Ohio town to investigate the murdered man’s past. As you might expect, Moore’s presence in a racist community draws police attention. While Moore uncovers clues, he’s constantly under hostile threat by the residents.

Room to Swing broke new ground in detective fiction in the United States and deserves the Edgar Award and all the accolades that go with it. GRADE: A

8 thoughts on “FRIDAY’S FORGOTTEN BOOKS #761: ROOM TO SWING By Ed Lacy

  1. Jerry+House

    I first read this one when I was fourteen. What impressed me most then was that Toussaint’s girlfriend acted distant because his skin was too dark. It was the first time I realized that racism could exist among all races and — having grownup in an all-White community — it was the first time I realized that judging someone by their skin color was just plain dumb,

    The story itself was pretty darned good but it was the above that has stayed with me for over 60 years.

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, I first read ROOM TO SWING in the 1970s when I decided to read all the Edgar Award winners in order. After finishing ROOM TO SWING I checked to see if Ed Lacy was an African-American writer.

  2. Kent Morgan

    I have the paperback somewhere in my basement so I should find it and finally read it. I also tried to collect the Edgar winners, but eventually gave up.


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