7 thoughts on “VETERANS DAY 2023

  1. Deb

    Thank you to all veterans for their service–and a special thanks to my sister, who served with distinction for 25 years in the USAF.

  2. Todd Mason

    My father served in the late ’50s, gaining some useful experience, lifelong tinnitus, and trauma from watching fellow airmen die feet from him because of inept hardware malfunctions that were officially hushed up…I’ve had uncles and cousins who’ve served with less ugliness, AFAIK, and everyone who has worked in service to our fellow citizens deserves respect for their good service.

    1. george Post author

      Todd, my father served on a destroyer in the Pacific during World War II. A kamikaze hit his ship and he was injured. Later, my father was given a Purple Heart. But, once mustered out of the Navy, my father told my mother, “I never want to be on a boat again!”

      1. Todd Mason

        Belated condolence for his terrible experience as well. My father’s experience, and the general fact that hierarchy is Not My Bag, never made that an option for me, nor my sister….

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