Merry Christmas to all of you! Our Christmas dinner includes green salad, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, Mac & Cheese, dinner rolls, and jello salad. Desserts include apple pie, Oreo Cookie Cake, and Christmas cookies. What’s on your Christmas menu?

28 thoughts on “MERRY CHRISTMAS 2023!

  1. Steve Oerkfitz

    That’s pretty much what we have.Sometimes my daughter switches ham instead of turkey. We are gathering at my oldest daughters on tuesday.

  2. Jerry+House

    North Tonawada should take pride in such a good-looking Christmas crew!

    Christmas Eve, Walt made his spicy Christmas chili while we had an assembly line making Rolo cookies and caramel snickerdoodles; we also made and decorated Christmas cookies (mine, alas, took on a Lovecraftian image through no fault of my own — much the same can be said of the disasterous gingerbead house/slum/hazardous waste site I made the evening before). Today it’s vegetable soup, turkey, stuffing, roast beef, mashed potatoes, squash, turnip, corn, crescent rolls, asnd assorted nibbles and desserts, followed by a very serious food coma.

    Have a fantastic holiday, George!

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, Merry Christmas to you and your family! I’d love to see a photo of your Lovecraft cookies! Christmas Chili sounds marvelous! Food Comas are lurking everywhere today!

      1. Jerry+House

        Alas, Jolly the Golden Retreiver found the counter where the cookies lay. Some survived but mine did not. Despite eating my deformed cookie, Jolly also survived (which was a good thing, I suppose).

  3. Fred Blosser

    May you and the family have much joy today, George. That looks like a fine repast. Much the same in store for us later today.

    1. george Post author

      Neeru, Merry Christmas and a very Happy 2024 to you, too! Great food, great conversation, and great humor show up at our Christmas feast today!

  4. Deb

    Season’s Greetings to all! John has been up since 2:30 AM, smoking two hams (one for the twins to take back to Baton Rouge) on the Big Green Egg, and he’ll be putting the lamb (marinated overnight in yogurt, lemons, onions, and garlic) on soon. Lamb will be for dinner, ham is for the rest of the week (and we’ll be making split pea soup tomorrow with the ham bones in the pot). I’ll be making mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, and Yorkshire pudding for the sides later. We’re having a (purchased) Chantilly cake for dessert, but Victoria and I will be making pavlova (from Mary Berry’s recipe) later this week.

    1. george Post author

      Deb, Merry Christmas to you and your family! What a fabulous menu! I’m guessing John may need a short nap later today! I’ve never tasted Chantilly cake, but it sounds yummy!

  5. Jeff Meyerson

    Sounds yummy, all of you.

    We’re having your traditional New York Jewish Christmas dinner – Chinese food. Wonton soup, egg rolls, shrimp & broccoli and boneless spare ribs.

    No duck with its head still on.

    Merry Christmas.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, all the best to you and Jackie! My sister and her husband in Arizona love Chinese food on Christmas, too! Diane is a traditionalist so Christmas is almost always a reenactment of our Thanksgiving feast. The variation this year is Katie’s Oreo Cake.

      1. Jeff Meyerson

        Jackie was going to get a piece of German chocolate cake for dessert, but they were out of it so got blackout cake instead. We’ll have it with ice cream.

  6. Wolf

    Merry Christmas and a very Happy 2024 to you all!
    Hope you’re having a good holiday – just dob’t eat too much!
    My wife’s sons and their families were expected for tomorrow’s lunch – Langalo, a kind of Hungarian Pizza and of course several soups and salads.
    But this morning one of them called: His 12 yeas old daughter has a strong fever and od course no doc is available so they decided to stay at home, not to bring influenza, covid or whatever …
    But we hope to see them on New Year’s Eve and the litle one will stay with us auntil the end of the winter holidays.

    1. george Post author

      Wolf, we all tested negative for Covid-19. But the flu and RSV is raging all across America. The vaccination rates are low which explains the outbreaks. We are avoiding crowds. Who wants to be sick during the Holidays?

      1. Jeff Meyerson

        Every time I read the vaccination rate is 18% or whatever for the new variant, I shake my head. Everyone we know is fully vaccinated (as far as I know), and for those who aren’t…well, it’s on them.

      2. george Post author

        Jeff, we know a bunch of acquaintances (I wouldn’t call them friends) who have Covid, flu, or RSV right now. And, of course, they didn’t get their shots. As you say, it’s on them…

      3. Wolf

        Same here and of course I got all the shots my doc in Germany recommended – and didn’t have to pay for them.
        But Hungary is different and there aren’t probably enough shots for everybody.
        Onviously a lot of people in the back villages, no education, no money – and the next doc is in the city miles away …

      4. Todd Mason

        Some of us did get our vaccinations and still got (probably) the most recent variation…milder (it didn’t kill me, but it ‘s pretty dire) but vax-evading…I’m certainly back to masking up in enclosed public.

  7. Todd Mason

    You all definitely look like a family (full stop) with a capacity for happiness! Enjoy that feast!

    We are likely to have somewhat improvisational choices, including minestrone, chili (beef for Alice, veg for me), mac and cheese, shrimp (for Alice and perhaps the cat Whiskers, who loves it; feline Ninja, not a crustacean-eater, prefers fish and fowl), large salads (Alice prone to hearts of romaine, I prefer spinach in mine), and the remains of Alice’s 22 Dec birthday (strawberry short)cake and ice cream (dietetic for me, not so for Alice). Potstickers might play a role…

    A happy end to the year to you all.


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