Should Biden stay or should he go? The Economist and The New York Times and plenty of other media outlets and pundits–including George Clooney–say Biden should withdraw from the Presidential race. What do you think?


  1. Jerry+House

    Even if Biden were dribbling oatmeal on his chin after every meal, he would still be a more effective and capable leader than Trump. While I do not agree with everything he and his team have done, his accomplishments have made the country stronger, the economy far more robust, and the average American safer.

    That being said, it may be better for the country if Biden were to step down because of his apparent cognitive missteps and let someone else run against Trump and Trump’s far more apparent cognitive missteps. There are still months to go before the election — plenty of time to rally together together behind an appropriate candidate and for the Democrats to go on the offensive by repeatedly stressing the Administration’s many accomplishments and by actively tearing down the tissue of lies that surround Trump and his campaign.

    …And, in light of this weekend’s events, by demanding responsible gun control.

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    Jerry,re yesterday, two words (as Deb first called it): False Flag.

    Jackie has finally come around to my point of view, which I’ve been saying for months – nice job, Joe, now take your well earned retirement and enjoy whatever time you have left. You are no longer up to the job. And no, neither is Trump, of course, but then, he never was. A bonus: the second he drops out, all the “feeble old man” sh!t coming out of the Republican Party can instantly be turned around on Trump, who would be the oldest man ever to be inaugurated as President (God forbid).

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, photos of Trump with blood on his face and his fist raised will be the theme of the Republican Convention next week!

      1. Jeff Meyerson

        As Deb said, too obvious to be believed. That’s why the “sniper” (sic) had to be killed so he couldn’t talk about who put him up to it. Watch Trump turn his head just before the shot is fired. Then there was the Secret Service incompetence. Instead of IMMEDIATELY getting him to the ground and covering his body, they let him wave his fist around – which, yes, is something Trump would do, but if he thought someone was really trying to kill him (as when people rushed the stage four years ago) he’d have been fleeing for his life, not pumping his fist and looking for his shoes.

        I’m not generally a believer in conspiracy theories but this one is too obvious, especially 1. two days before the Convention and 2. with Biden’s “will he or won’t he leave” getting all the attention. Trump is a media whore. Believe me, he is living this.

      2. george Post author

        Jeff, the fact that the shooter was a registered Republican complicates things. Copy-cat assassins will be coming out of the woodwork aiming at Biden and Trump.

  3. Deb

    Whether Biden stays or goes is now pretty much an academic question because yesterday’s “incident” has clearly all but guaranteed Trump a victory in November. Our goal now should be to elect as many Democrats as possible on down ticket races so that the damage Trump & his cronies will wreak upon the nation can be mitigated somewhat.

    I hate this timeline!

    1. george Post author

      Deb, the folks on FOX NEWS seem convinced that Trump will win in November now. “God has great plans in store for Trump’s Second Term!” one of the Acolytes gushed.

  4. Fred Blosser

    Yeah, agree with my fellow conspir-theos on the incident yesterday. Amazing how fast those photos of Trump looking defiant, blood on his face, went up on the screen. Do the news media actually have cameras at these rallies, or do they rely exclusively on Trump campaign photos and clips? The real Trump is the rabbit who cowered behind the Secret Service guys eight years ago when an angry man rushed the stage. Sadly, under Trump 48, we can expect to hear an ominous knock on the door whenever we engage in an online chat like this one. I’m not happy with Biden, who started the recent train wreck by agreeing to “debate” Trump five months before election day, but the Dems have boxed themselves into a corner. If not Joe, who?

    1. george Post author

      Fred, I totally agree with you on the debacle of The Debate. Whoever came up with that lame idea should be fired! Biden didn’t need to debate Trump. Biden shouldn’t show up for the next scheduled Debate. Giving Trump TV air time only strengthens his chances in November! Two years ago, several political pundits pointed out Biden’s age as a weakness and suggested the Democratic Party take action. Of course, nothing was done and here we are…

    1. george Post author

      Deb, the Democrats will look back on 2024 as a missed opportunity. Trump’s near-miss with Death is likely to sweep him into the White House again.

      1. Deb

        Well, George, in that case you’re going to be disappointed either way because both candidates are older than you.

      2. george Post author

        Jerry, President of the United States is the hardest job in the world. I wouldn’t want that job and I don’t understand people who actively pursue the position.

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