Bill Crider would have been 82 years old today. But, sadly, he died in 2018. I think of Bill frequently and wish I could still email him about books, politics, and movies.

Bill Crider and I were both college professors so we completely related to the problems and trials and successes of the classroom. We emailed each other daily. And, we were both passionate collectors of paperback books. Bill had TWO storage units for his collection, I have a basement full of thousands of books. Bill encouraged me to start a blog and at Christmas 2008, Patrick set up my blog. But my blog, with its single post per day, was nowhere near Bill’s blog with as many as a dozen posts per day! Bill’s blog was funny and lively and reflected his amiable character.

I miss Bill. A lot…

22 thoughts on “BILL CRIDER

  1. Cap'n Bob

    Ditto! Bill and I had a regular correspondence and I constantly sent him alligator items, including a 16-inch alligator skeleton! He contributed to every issue of MDM and I probably have him to thank for my brief career as a mystery novelist! He was one of a kind!

    1. george Post author

      Bob, I was very impressed when you sent Bill Crider a postcard every day as his health failed. I know that meant a lot to Bill and his family.

  2. Dan

    His passing left a gap, that’s for sure, but I have to say, people like you and Steve Lewis help to fill the void.

    1. george Post author

      Dan, thank you for your kind words. My blog is a pale shadow of Bill Crider’s three-ring circus blog. Bill energized the Internet!

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    Amen. We miss Bill a lot and talk about him all the time, especially with what is going on in the world (Bill: “We’re doomed, doomed”) and the crazy stories he loved so much (“Texas leads the way” and “First it was the Thin Mints Melee”). Another friend is rereading Bill’s Sheriff Rhodes books in order and reporting on them on her blog, which helps keep them alive.

    As for the current picture, it was a matter of immense pride that the book’s dedication reads:

    “For Jeff Meyerson, who won’t have to ask where I get my ideas”

    He will never be forgotten by those who knew and loved him.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, Bill Crider was a great friend to all of us. I’m glad your friend is rereading Bill’s Sheriff Rhodes books and keeping them alive on her blog. Bill and Judy memories are constant reminders of how much fun they were. Diane and I looked forward to BOUCHERCONs to see our friends but especially to hang out with the Criders.

  4. Deb

    I can’t believe Bill’s been gone for six years! His blog was a wonderful accumulation of pop culture: book reviews, movie reviews, songs of the day, and oddball news stories (especially if they involved alligators, feral hogs, Texas, Nicholas Cage—or all four!). The world is a less bright place without him in it.

    1. george Post author

      Deb, well said! Bill Crider and his blog brightened up my days. Somehow, Bill found a lot of odd-ball stories to share with us: alligators rampaging, feral hogs invading Texas, and the recent wacky movies of Nicholas Cage. A recent NY Times article on Nicholas Cage claims Cage goes to sleep at 7:30 P.M.!

  5. Greg Daniel

    I never met Bill but did message back & forth a few times. I started every day with him. Well, his blog. And I still do. It’s how I originally found this blog and I still get here primarily by going through Bill. He was one of a kind, positively impacted the lives of everyone who came into his orbit, and is sorely missed.

    1. george Post author

      Greg, like you, I started my days with a trip to Bill’s blog. And, I’d check in a couple times per day as Bill added more wild content. Bill agreed to serve on my Ph.D. committee and gave me excellent suggestions on my dissertation. I was never be able to thank Bill enough for all his help!

  6. Patricia Abbott

    And I will repeat one of my BC stories-When I started Friday’s Forgotten Books in 2008 and asked him to contribute a book review to the first one, I thought that would be end of his contributions. But he contributed one every week for years and years–as long as he was able.
    Also both he and Ed were extremely supportive of my writing too. I miss them all-and now Steve. Will that last one left, shut down the blog?

    1. george Post author

      Patti, Bill Crider never missed contributing to every issue of Cap’n Bob’s MYSTERY DETECTIVE MONTHLY. Bill contributed to MYSTERY SCENE’s book reviews for years. And, of course, Bill was a constant presence for your FRIDAY’S FORGOTTEN BOOKS. There’s a void in our lives since Bill departed…

  7. tracybham

    I never met Bill Crider and did not know him like the rest of you did, but I miss him too. I know I was reading his blog back in 2010. Even back then I loved seeing the paperback covers he had.

    1. george Post author

      Tracy, Bill Crider was a legendary paperback collector! I went booking with Bill and some others in Baltimore and he found some impressive books!

  8. Todd Mason

    I did have the good fortune to meet Bill in person once, and he was everything good anyone has ever said or written about him on that occasion (and clearly, on any other one was most likely to have with him) as well as in our email exchanges. George, he was someone who had the “Writeing Nag” to paraphrase a Lardner character, so it would do no good to try to Compete with him in productivity,


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