12 thoughts on “HAPPY LABOR DAY!

  1. Jeff Meyerson

    Jackie has been a union member for over 50 years. Remember what Woody Allen said in SLEEPER about the power of unions? The world was destroyed when “a man named Albert Shankar got hold of a nuclear warhead.”

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, Diane and I were Teachers’ Union members for all of our careers. Yes, you’re right: “In Sleeper (1973) there appears to be a reference to ‘Albert Shanker’ who is identified as the person who devastates the world by starting World War III apparently by obtaining and detonating a nuclear weapon.”

  2. Deb

    Happy Labor Day, everyone! No big plans for today—none of our kids came home this weekend, so John & I are keeping it simple with burgers on the grill and watermelon-flavored ices made in the Ninja Creemi ice cream maker.

    1. Jeff Meyerson

      And speaking of burgers…there’s a great little pub near us that has an “all burgers for $12” policy every Monday. We restrain ourselves to once a month, but…looking forward to my Bulldog Burger – sauteed onions, mushrooms and American cheese, with fries of course.

    2. george Post author

      Deb, Happy Labor Day to you and John! The Wall Street Journal praised Ninja for their quality appliances–we have the Ninja Blender, the best blender we’ve ever owned!–especially the Ninja Ice Cream machine.

  3. Fred Blosser

    A shout out to all the labor organisers and marchers who were jailed, head-bashed, shot, and reviled as communists so that the rest of us could enjoy an eight hour workday, paid leave, and other benefits of a civilized society. Not that today’s plutocrats aren’t doing their best to turn back the clock.

  4. Jerry+House

    Corruption in some of the major labor unions turned a lot of people off and set the movement back considerably. Now, as some states are trying to eradicate many of the common-sense labor laws, it’s gratifying to realize that pro=labor forces are making a stand. An economy and a society work best when all are given a fair shake.

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, I totally agree with you on unions. Just as the political process can be corrupted, unions can fall prey to the same thing. Power corrupts. The teacher unions Diane and I belonged to fought for higher wages and better working conditions…and sometimes got them!


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