16 thoughts on “IRISH TOAST

  1. Deb

    In honor of my Irish ancestry (three of my four great-grandfathers were born in Ireland), I’ve already started a corned beef brisket with onions, carrots, and potatoes in the slow cooker this morning. I’ll add cabbage as we get closer to serving time this evening, Erin go braugh, my friend.

  2. Jerry+House

    I drink to the Kelleys, George and Diane.
    I drink to their health whenever I can.
    I drink to his blarney, and her beauteous youth.
    I drink to the Kelleys. Well, that’s my excuse.

    My the road rise up to meet you and not smack you in the face on that glorious St. Paddie’s Day tomorrow.

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow, George. There were years we were coming home from Florida on St. Patrick’s Day where we couldn’t get a hotel room in Savannah because they had such a big celebration going on.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, there are a lot of Irish in Western New York so today there’s not one, but TWO St. Patrick’s Day parades. Unfortunately it’s windy and rainy right now.

      1. Jeff Meyerson

        It’s the same at home. There’s the big one in Manhattan, but there’s also one near us in Bay Ridge that is a week later, so an anti-climax. There is an earlier one in Staten Island. New York still has a lot of Irish.

  4. wolf

    I wish you some nice parade and I’ll have a Pilsner Urquell on you all – but no Guinness!
    Can’t stand this kind of dark beer!

  5. Cap'n Bob

    Your CARE package arrived, for which I thank you and Linda curses you! I don’t have much affinity for St. Paddy’s Day because I’m a Scottie, but I do love corned beef and cabbage!


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