Since I recently recovered from the Covid-19 plague, I thought I might like to visit England in 1348 when the Black Death (aka, Bubonic Plague) decimated most of Europe and England. Susanna Gregory sets her story in Cambridge where the University faculty and staff are struck by a number of “accidents” and suicides in addition to the plague deaths.

Physician Matthew Bartholomew investigates the puzzling deaths, especially the “suicide” of his friend, the Master of Michaelhouse. University officials do not want the death investigated, but Bartholomew persists.

Susanna Gregory’s descriptions of the Black Death are horrific. Entire families are killed by the disease. Bartholomew and the few physicians who remain try to comfort the dying while puzzling out the deadly aspects of the plague.

Meanwhile, more suspicious deaths occur and Bartholomew suspects a dark and sinister conspiracy is behind what he believes are murders.

If you enjoy an occasion Medieval mystery like I do, you’ll enjoy A Plague On Both Your Houses (1996). For some bizarre reason, St. Martin’s Press identifies A Plague On Both Your Houses as the Third Chronicle of Matthew Bartholomew. It isn’t. A Plague On Both Your Houses is actually the first book in the Matthew Bartholomew series. GRADE: B

Matthew Bartholomew Series:

A Plague On Both Your Houses (1996)
An Unholy Alliance (1996)
A Bone of Contention (1997)
A Deadly Brew (1998)
A Wicked Deed (1999)
A Masterly Murder (2000)
An Order for Death (2001)
A Summer of Discontent (2002)
A Killer in Winter (2003)
10 The Hand of Justice (2004)
11 The Mark of a Murderer (2005)
12 The Tarnished Chalice (2006)
13 To Kill or Cure (2007)
14 The Devil’s Disciples (2008)
15 A Vein of Deceit (2009)
16 The Killer of Pilgrims (2010)
17 Mystery in the Minster (2011)
     aka Murder in the Minster
18 Murder by the Book (2012)
19 The Lost Abbot (2013)
20 Death of a Scholar (2014)
21 A Poisonous Plot (2015)
22 A Grave Concern (2016)
23 The Habit of Murder (2017)
24 The Sanctuary Murders (2019)
25 The Chancellor’s Secret (2021)

6 thoughts on “A PLAGUE ON BOTH YOUR HOUSES By Susanna Gregory

  1. Jeff Meyerson

    Jackie: “I guess George was traumatized by his experience.”

    I had no idea she had written so many in this series. I don’t generally read medieval-set books, but I’ve enjoyed the ones I have read.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, I wasn’t traumatized, I was very disappointed that I had eluded Covid for years…and then let my guard down and paid a terrible price as the virus stole a month of my Life. In A PLAGUE ON BOTH YOUR HOUSES, the Black Death kills people in bunches!

  2. Todd Mason

    Not even the third in internal chronology? Indicative of the attention publishers choose to expend, if not.

    I was surprised by contacting my case as well…though it waylaid me for more like a week (three days of hospitalization), with some disruption probably related to it since.

    1. george Post author

      Todd, Covid turned me into a zombie for a month. I never want to go through that again! I’ll be getting the new Covid booster in October. I’ll probably get my flu shot next week.

  3. Fred Blosser

    The historical mysteries have never really appealed to me. The bubonic plague also figures in H. Rider Haggard’s fantasy-inflected RED EVE, where the epidemic is embodied in human form as “Murgh the Messenger.” Great novel! My Covid last year was mild, mostly lethargy for a couple of days. The only significant impact was the fact that I was going to get my updated vaccine that week, and had to postpone for three months. Given today’s perfect storm of deniers, anti-vaxxers, virus mutations, and rapid travel around the world. it’s only a matter of time before the next plague sweeps the U.S, The only question is, which pestilence will it be?.


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