24 thoughts on “A SNOWY DAY…IN APRIL!

  1. Jeff Meyerson

    It was not quite that cold here, but we did have a low of 36 before going up to 51 (normal high, 62). They predicted – oversold by a lot – half an inch of rain overnight and several inches (up to 6) of snow in the Catskills, well to the north of us. Instead, we barely had enough rain to wet the grass – when the dew point here was an Arizona-like 18, I knew it was way too dry for much rain. You don’t need to be a trained meteorologist to figure that out! Anyway, the rain is gone and it will be cool again, with a return to normal (for one day) tomorrow. But since we’re staying in (for a change), who cares?

    It doesn’t look like you needed Big Orange for that.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, I already ran the gas out of Big Orange figuring the snow was over once we hit April. Wrong! We’ve been running about 20 degrees below Normal every day this week. Next week, we start off cool in the 40s but warm up to the 60s by the end of the week.

  2. Michael Padgett

    A little rain today in Atlanta, with thunderstorms predicted for tomorrow. Highs in the 60s both days. It was a pretty mild winter here, with not even our usual 1-2 snows. The first two weeks of January (!) were downright springlike. Seems like a good weekend to stay in and watch the new season of “Bosch”.

    1. george Post author

      Michael, we had a fairly mild Winter here, too. I’ve read several of the BOSCH books, but haven’t watched the TV series…yet.

  3. Patti Abbott

    It snowed lightly all day yesterday but no accumulation. Supposed to be in the fifties most of the week.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, we’re at 37 degrees right now (windchill 31 degrees). We’re slowly going to warm up this week with 60s by the weekend.

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, truth be told, I only fired up Big Orange 6 or 7 times this whole Winter. We only got 68.2 inches while our normal average is closer to 100 inches of snow.

  4. Deb

    Overcast and very muggy. Today’s high is predicted to be in the upper 70s, with rain expected later tonight. In other words, about normal for Louisiana in April.

  5. Rick Robinson

    Enjoy your snow while you can!

    It’s been in the low 70s over the last week, beautiful and sunny, but it’s cooler today with rain showers, in the low 60s. We need rain, but these sprinkles aren’t getting it. We need real RAIN, at least three inches, over the next week or two.

    1. Jeff Meyerson

      We are plenty wet enough here, though lately it has been light rain overnight, which is perfect for me. They predicted half an inch last night but when I saw the dew point was 19, I knew it was unlikely. We had less than two tenths of an inch. But upstate near Albany they had 5.7 inches, very unusual for April, especially after a nearly snowless winter.

      1. george Post author

        Jeff, we’ve been wet all Spring. The waters levels for both Lake Erie and Lake Ontario have been unusually high.

  6. maggie mason

    It’s been nice-ish I’d like it a littler warmer. It will warm up later in the week. No rain, we’ve had so much they are doing a controlled spill of a dam. Too bad they can’t figure out another place for the water, which will be scarce this summer.

    When the weather warms up more (I’m a winter wimp) I am going to finish a project I was doing over a year ago – going thru my closet and trying everything on. Making decisions on what to keep and what to get rid of. Last time I took about 6 bags of clothes to a place that helps women dress for success. This time it will be more casual stuff

    I’ve heard stimulus payments for soc sec. recipients will be may

    1. george Post author

      Maggie, Diane has been in her Marie Kondo mode since the coronavirus hit. We have plenty of boxes and bags of stuff ready to go to the Salvation Army Thrift Store and other charities as soon as they open.


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