I enjoyed the first book in this series, Mickey 7 (you can read my review here), so I also read the sequel, Antimatter Blues (2023). Both books are set on a hostile planet where a human colony is struggling to survive. Mickey Barnes, who volunteered to be an Expendable (a person who willingly undertakes dangerous missions–and is resurrected if killed). In Mickey 7 Barnes has to deal with the aliens who could destroy the colony and his inadvertent doppelgänger.

Antimatter Blues takes place two years later with the colony facing a dire problem: they are running out of antimatter which fuels their power system and is necessary to generate food. The only answer is to retrieve the antimatter bomb Mickey 7 hid outside the colony and use it to generate power. But, when Mickey 7 searches for the antimatter bomb, it is gone.

That leads Mickey 7, his girl friend Nasha, and his pilot friend, Berto, and a small contingent of soldiers to attempt to regain the antimatter bomb that is now in the hands of the aliens. I’m enjoying the Mickey 7 series and I think you would, too. GRADE: B

10 thoughts on “ANTIMATTER BLUES By Edward Ashton

  1. Jeff+Meyerson

    Unfortunately, there is no way most of us can keep up with George’s reading. I sitll haven’t gotten to book 1 yet.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, Edward Ashton is already working on his third Mickey 7 SF novel! It’s hard to keep up with these prolific writers!

      1. george Post author

        Todd, WORDPRESS finds new ways to infuriate me every day. Thank goodness I work ahead and have a couple weeks of posts to draw on in cases like this. Double the fun today!

    1. george Post author

      Todd, MICKEY 7, the first book in the series, developed a key concept: an expendable member of the space colony to undertake dangerous missions…who could be resurrected…to die again doing more dangerous missions.

  2. Steve+A+Oerkfitz

    Liked the first book. It has been bought for a film by the South Korean director of Parasite.

    1. george Post author

      Steve, I liked MICKEY 7 a tad bit more than ANTIMATTER BLUES, but I’ll read the next book in the series when it comes out.


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