ATLAS [Netflix]

The pluses of Atlas: Jennifer Lopez–a brilliant data analyst) takes on a rogue Artificial Intelligence who wants to cleanse the Earth of humans. The action sequences fill the screen with explosions and excitement–AIs are hard to put down.

The minuses of Atlas: the rogue AI leaves Earth and heads to the Andromeda galaxy. Why so far away? Earth sends J. Lo, a bunch of military rangers in battlebots, and some snarky AIs of their own to fight the rogue AI. It doesn’t not go well for the earthlings.

J. Lo presents a compelling presence as an expert on AI and a Cassandra who warns the military about the destruction they face. She’s also a great fighter in her battlebot. But the movie bogs down as J. Lo and her AI (named “Smith”) have some heart-to-heart conversations.

If you’re in the mood for some vivid action sequences and battles on an alien planet in a galaxy far, far away, check out Atlas. GRADE: B-

11 thoughts on “ATLAS [Netflix]

      1. Dan

        I remember my Grandparents’ book had a lot of maps in it, but I don’t recall anything about AI.

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