The first Bad Boys movie was a hit 25 years ago. The sequel was a lesser hit 17 years ago. So Will Smith and Martin Laurance have a lot of rust to shake off in this retro-1990s action movie. Some wants Will Smith dead. After being shot (twice) but surviving, Smith’s character–Mike Lowery–swears vengeance on the assassin. But, Smith’s partner, the way more mellow Martin Lawrence, just wants to retire and enjoy his grandson. Well, of course, that doesn’t last. Martin Lawrence provides the humor the punctuates the car chases, motorcycle chases, and explosions that make up much of Bad Boys for Life. If you’re looking for an old-fashion action movie, this is it. GRADE: B+

26 thoughts on “BAD BOYS FOR LIFE

    1. george Post author

      Steve, it’s been 17 years since the last BAD BOYS movie and 25 years since the first one. As an Anniversary movie, BAD BOYS FOR LIFE is entertaining. It’s been the top BOX OFFICE champ the last three weeks.

      1. george Post author

        Steve, the guy who decided to bring BAD BOYS FOR LIFE out now should get a raise. No other movie competes with it right now. Although BIRDS OF PREY opens on Friday…

  1. Michael Padgett

    I haven’t seen the earlier entries and, for the most part, don’t care for movies of this sort. The one exception, and I sorta hate to admit it, is the “Fast and Furious” series of which there are currently 8 with a 9th coming this summer. To the extent that I believe in “guilty pleasure” movies, those are mine.

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    I’m not – looking for an old fashioned action movie, that is. The first one was kind of annoying but watchable, the sequel was horrible, This one seems to have gotten better reviews, so maybe when it is on cable. Or not.

  3. maggie mason

    I liked the first 2 and will see this one, but it will be a Netflix (when I get it back after LCC and a trip to GA & SC). I like will smith in comedies. I also want to see the Gentlemen. I find going to movies in the theater is harder and harder to do, though the reclining, plush seats are nice.

    I did go to the Palm Springs Film Festival to see the Miss Fisher movie. I went with 3 friends, 2 who had seen the series, but not read the books and 1 who had never heard of them. We all enjoyed it. There was a hole in it, but for the life of me, I can’t remember what it was. It didn’t lessen my enjoyment of it. I love the fashion in both the tv series and movie. Prior to the movie, we ate at an “old Hollywood” restaurant. It was OK. Don’t remember the name.

    1. george Post author

      Maggie, I’m hoping the Miss Fisher movie opens up around here–in the U.S. or Canada. I’m sure BAD BOYS FOR LIFE will be on Netflix soon. You’ll enjoy it!

  4. Prashant C. Trikannad

    George, I like Will Smith as an actor, Martin Lawrence not so much. I always thought he overacted. I have watched only the first edition of BAD BOYS and will catch the two sequels on cable TV or Netflix.


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