1. george Post author

      Todd, large yards mean more mowing. Fortunately, we have a neighbor with a riding lawn mower who cuts the back yard grass for us for a small fee. Diane mows the front yard.

  1. wolf

    Lovely pictures!
    Sometimes I wonder how these animals manage to live near humans, especially since for their size it’s not as easy to hide as for a fox eg.

    1. Todd Mason

      Any size of forest and lawn serves their purposes well…and humans and heir dogs and cats mostly don’t hunt them in the suburbs (maybe the slowly migrating coyotes will). A fawn once chased me around the traffic circle around our office complex parking lot at TV GUIDE…I was nearly the last one out save the night security (not too uncommon) and after a moment I realized the lost fawn was following my white car (as fawns are instinctively drawn to follow their parens’ white hindquarters), so I stopped till the poor baby realized my Toyota was In No Way Mama Doe, and wandered away, calling…hope the little or not so little band found the poor child soon after.

    2. george Post author

      Wolf, we happen to have a lot of green space in my neighborhood so the deer can move around safely. But, sometimes they get bold and try to cross busy streets and that causes traffic problems…and some car/animal collisions.

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    Nie. Looking for his mother? She’s dead, kid.

    The only “wildlife” you see around here is an occasional raccoon, I suppose. When Jackie was in rehab after her knee replacement, I saw a very scared possum a couple of blocks from the hospital. New Jersey has had a lot of bear sightings in recent years.

      1. george Post author

        Jeff, and no snakes, either. There was a rumor that someone spotted a coyote nearby, but that seems to be fake news.

  3. Fred Blosser

    Mowing! Another pleasure thankfully in the past, now that we’re renters and not homeowners any more. In Virginia, deer crossed our property frequently at night, coming to or going from a nearby creek. Here in TX we have small lizards (one resided in our apartment’s outside furnace room last winter), a couple of small toads who live in drainpipes around the corner, and occasional small snakes.

    1. george Post author

      Fred, before my knee replacement surgeries, I mowed our entire lawn. I took me around 90 minutes with a self-propelled mower. But, once I got new titanium knees, I bowed out of lawn mowing. I want to protect my knees. Diane, on the other hand, mows the from yard to get her “steps” for the Fitbit she wears.

  4. Patti Abbott

    We have a huge deer problem. We have seen as many as five together. crossing fairly major streets. We have foxes too and wild turkey. And all of the more ordinary wild life.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, down near the Erie Canal, flocks of geese roam around and have been known to stop traffic as they leisurely cross the street.

  5. Kent Morgan

    No deer have made it to my back yard, but I nearly ran over one the other day in a nearby park. I do have two rabbits that have made my back yard their home. They hardly move away when I park my car in the parking pad and walk past them to my house. Canada geese are a major probelm in our City in the spring and fall, but now it’s getting to the point that some don’t bother flying to northern Manitoba in the spring like they used to and choose to remain in Winnipeg all summer. They think they own the roads.


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