1. Jerry+House

    If he had gone with “childless llama ladies,” “childless bandicoot ladies,” or even “childless axolotl ladies” he may have ticked off a much smaller voting group. This yoob is clearly bad for America and for the ticket; Trump must be going crazy (a short distance, admittedly) trying to figure out a way of dropping him without losing face.

      1. Fred Blosser

        Well, there’s apparently no bottom to Nikki’s desire to abase herself for Trump (only Cruz and Scott are more loathsome in that respect, among others), so who knows? I suspect Trump would be happy keeping Vance, a willing tool who poses no threat to him, but he’d be equally comfortable dumping him if his mega-donors advise him to do so. We’ll have to see what tactics Trump, the GOP, Fox, and the other right-wing media and influencers devise to attack Kamala’s choice for VP.

      2. george Post author

        Fred, the Republicans are running ads here about Kamala’s husband “committing adultery” during his first marriage. How many times has Trump committed adultery? Hundreds of times!

      3. Jerry+House

        Of course Haley would go for it, George. If Trump wins, whoever is his VP has a good shot at moving up to the presidency in a couple of years. That’s a chance any meretricious Republican would jump at.

      4. george Post author

        Jerry, you’re right. Political ambitious knows no bounds. Trump is 78 and it’s iffy that he will serve a whole term. At least, that’s what the Republicans said about Biden when he was in race.

      5. Todd Mason

        Not to mention that Haley is at least as much Pure Hack as any of the other prominent Republicans still in office or recently so, and Haley would probably make the idiot pay to get her to join…but not so very much, for the likelihood that she would become president, as Jerry and George note, if they manage to win. Not even close to a sure thing, BTW.

        Enjoyed LAST WEEK TONIGHT’s long take on RFK enormously. I really do think he (and, I hope, Randall Terry) will detour more Trump voters than anyone in the race will lure away from the Dems, including RFK, nor West or any of the other leftists.

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    Yeah, Jerry, but Trump is so much worse himself. When you try and demean and depersonalize your opponent by calling her “Crazy Kamala” (deliberately mispronouncing her name) and say she is a “low-IQ individual” – clearly a case of projection – who “doesn’t have the mental capacity” to debate “a very stable genius” such as himself, there is no one lower. As Deb would say, there is no bottom.

  3. Deb

    What’s even more terrifying is that Vance, bought & paid for by some Silicon Valley tech billionaires, has no hesitation whatsoever about saying these awful things frequently & vociferously. Everyone who doesn’t believe that women should become compulsory breeding machines needs to vote blue in the upcoming election. The next generation of cat ladies (and others) will thank you!

    1. george Post author

      Deb, why any woman would vote for any Republican baffles me. They have no respect for women’s rights in terms of Healthcare or Life choices. They want to turn back the clock to the 1950s. Yet people support their wacky agenda!

      1. Jeff Meyerson

        Yes, Jackie said the same as you and Deb on this issue.

        Deb, Vance is so pathetic, and has his tongue so far up Trump’s butt, that he even pulled out “You’re Fired” as a slogan to use against Kamala.

        The man is a pathetic weasel.

        I can’t believe his wife is willing to go along with his sh!t.

      2. george Post author

        Jeff, J.D. Vance and Little Marco Rubio and Swinging Doug Burgum–who like J.D. insulted Trump–let their political aspirations overrule their common sense. They worship at the feet of Trump now…like swine!

      3. Todd Mason

        Swine aren’t so craven. I think Drumpf resented Burgum actually making a fortune more or less on his own. Meanwhile, Vance has been an analingual his entire adult life, if not longer.

      4. george Post author

        Todd, Burgum would have been the Smart Choice. I saw Trump on FOX NEWS complaining that he spent hundreds of millions running against Biden and now he has to spend hundreds of millions against Kamala.

      5. Todd Mason

        Yes, but that would require Drumpf to be intelligent, which he manifestly is not. A two-trick pony, at best, one of the tricks bribing people with his inheritance and his swindled money. Embezzlement being the other.

  4. Deb

    Vance’s wife, like Kamala & Nikki, is also of Asian ancestry. The other day at a rally, Vance said, “My wife isn’t white, but she’s still a good person,” which is shocking in both its casual racism and Vance’s apparent comfort level in saying such a thing in public. I have no clue why any woman, any person of color, any person of a non-Evangelical Christian faith, and/or anyone who identifies as LQBTQI or as an ally to them would vote Republican. Surely the promise of a tax cut (which, incidentally, will never trickle down to our level) can’t be more important than preventing the stripping of rights away from huge swaths of our population. Baffling indeed.

    1. george Post author

      Deb, like you I’m mystified at the support of women for Trump and Vance. When I see the crowds at Trump events, a good percentage of the audience are women. A religious woman at the Pool told me, “God sent Trump to save us.” Another woman assured me that Jesus turned the Bullet in Butler away from Trump at the last second. A lot of people have sipped the Kool-Aid.

    2. Todd Mason

      Those who aren’t ready-made cultists (due to belonging to ridiculous Xian and similar cults) are probably, like a friend of a friend, pretending that Drumpf Is Kidding about most of his malignant narcissistic drivel, and will mostly help (useful idiots such as) him by making sure taxes on the wealthy are kept low (which he would do to the best of his limited ability, of course). Not that this guy is wealthy, mind you, but hopes to be if his current schemes finally pay off, and has fond memories of his ex-Nazi grandfather.

      1. Todd Mason

        If one is full of resentment toward all the less empowered people one sees supposedly being Handed Everything, Drumpf is their kind of dumb-ass crusader.

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