Darkship Thieves presents a future where humanity has separated into two sides: the “Earthworms” who inhabit Earth and ban any genetic manipulation, and descendants who have fled Earth and set up their own colonies where they practice advanced science including genetic engineering. Athena Hera Sinistra, a spoiled brat whose father is a leading figure of Earth’s government, finds herself in the hands of a darkship thief. She’s taken to Eden, the secret base hidden in an asteroid. Thena confronts the chaotic past she discovers on this secret colony. Darkship Thieves is written for a Young Adult audience. I found the love story predictable and figured out the “secret” mid-way through the book. Nothing special here. GRADE: C
Your review is pretty much in line with others I’ve read, George. I won’t be reading this one. Seems ot me the cover art was nominated for some award or other.
DARKSHIP THIEVES was pretty much a waste of time, Rick. The cover has nothing to do with anything in the book.
Do you ever put a book aside when you become disenchanted? Or do you finish it?
I have a 50 page rule, Patti. If a book hasn’t gripped me in 50 pages, I stop reading. But if I stop reading, I seldom review the book. I actually slogged through DARKSHIP THIEVES and finished it (hoping it would get better–but it didn’t).
I do the same thing, but only give most books 40 pages. There are exceptions, if I think things will get better, or have read trusted reviews praising the book I’ll continue reading. But there is never a point after which I think I HAVE to finish, unless perhaps it’s in the last chapter or two.
I was lured in to DARKSHIP THIEVES by the interesting title and the provocative cover, Rick. I should have waited for some reviews before I made the plunge.