With the DC Universe expanding with Super Girl, The Flash, and Arrow these animated features aimed at a younger audience still have the power to entertain. This DVD features super villains from Lex Luthor, Sinestro, to Darkseid. If you’re looking for some escapist fun, you’ll find it here.
Kevin enjoys these. Although his love for the ones composed of lego looking characters eludes me.
Patti, I’m with you on the LEGO animations.
When I was a kid, I liked archie comics, and for a while I had a subscription to Brenda Starr comics. Wish I had the brenda starr ones as they might be worth something.
I think I mentioned before that my dad worked at a straw board in Kansas, and they pulped comics that didn’t sell. He used to take them home to his younger siblings. Those would be worth a fortune
Maggie, I wish I had the comics I collected as a kid. I had FANTASTIC FOUR #1!
I haven’t seen any animation in a while. I’ll bet the library has some of these sets.
Rick, I’m sure your local Public Library owns these DVDs. They’re fun to watch!
HBO has been running these a lot of late, and I see why they’re PG-13 rather than PG…slightly harder-edged than I expected. While still pitched young.
Todd, you’re right. The harder-edge and banter push these animated series into the PG-13 range.