DOCTOR WHO [Disney+]

Yes, the 15th Doctor has morphed from a woman to a Black man. The new Doctor Who is Ncuti Gatwa (you might remember him from Sex Education). After watching two new episodes of Doctor Who on Disney+ I’ve come away with an affection for both Ncuti Gatwa and his new Companion, Ruby Sunday, played by Millie Gibson (you might remember her from Coronation Street).

The 15th Doctor showed up in last year’s “The Giggle” where David Tennant passed him the torch. The true premier was the Christmas episode called “The Church on Ruby Road” where infant Ruby is left on the doorstep of a church on Christmas Eve. Twenty years later, Ruby Sunday finds herself the target of an incredible series of “accidents” that are finally solved by The Doctor. If you’re a Doctor Who fan, you’ll enjoy this new series with veteran screenwriter and television producer Russell T Davies running things. GRADE: Incomplete but trending towards a B+

13 thoughts on “DOCTOR WHO [Disney+]

  1. Steve Oerkfitz

    Never got into Dr. Who. I remember watching a couple of very early episodes on PBS. The production values were just awful I know that has changed but there are just way to much TV to watch nowadays. I highly recommend Bodkin on Netflix which I just finished bingeing tonight.

  2. Cap'n Bob

    I don’t get or want Disney+ and almost never watched Dr. Who! I tried a few times in the early, unwoke days but couldn’t sustain interest! Like so many British shows back then, it looked like it had the budget of a Kool-Aid stand!

  3. Jerry+House

    A Happy Mother’s Day to Diane, a woman who deserves many accolades! (And flowers. And candy. And dinner at a nice restaurant. And all the other good things, including a few snuggles from you.)

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, thanks for your kind Mothers’ Day wishes! Diane and I will be Portaling with Patrick and Katie at 1:00 P.M. today. Patrick and Katie sent Diane a beautiful bouquet of flowers. We always have candy in this house. Tomorrow night, Diane and I are taking our friends to a swanky restaurant to celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Snuggles are scheduled for Tuesday.

  4. Jeff Meyerson

    What Jerry said. I was just going to wish Diane a Happy Mother’s Day too.

    Deb talked about the Circle of Life today (n an email), and I was reminded of my mother’s yearly call this time of year to ask, “Did you send your grandmother a card?”

    God, we’re old.

    Oh no Disney+, no Doctor Who. But we see so many of the earlier Doctors in other things – Peter Davison (in JONATHAN CREEK and most recently in BEYOND PARADISE), Colin Baker (in JONATHAN CREEK), Paul McGann (most recently in ANNIKA), Christopher Eccleston (most recently in TRUE DETECTIVE), David Tennant (a lot, including DEADWATER FELL, STAGED, INSIDE MAN), Matt Smith (THE CROWN), Peter Capaldi (FOYLE’S WAR rerun).

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, I used to watch DOCTOR WHO on BBC America. But now Disney+ controls the rights to the latest series. So far, the reviews have been good. Thanks for your kind Mother’s Day wishes! Diane is looking forward to portaling with Patrick and Katie this afternoon.

  5. Patricia Abbott

    Just yesterday, I attempted to watch the history of DR. WHO on some channel. I gave up before they got to any of the more recent permutations. And Steve is right, I don’t ever remember US TV looking that cheesy but perhaps the content was and it’s a superficial concern. If I had DISNEY I might try it now. It’s always interested me but the long history put me off.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, I would just jump in with the new DOCTOR WHO on Disney+. The actors have good chemistry and the stories are creative.

    2. Todd Mason

      Oh, the early ’50s US tv often looked at least as threadbare and cardboard. You can see episodes of SUSPENSE and the likes that clearly were funded by Auto-Lite (and other sponsors) by sending along the equivalent of the corporate office liquor budget.

  6. tracybham

    We have watched all the new Dr Who’s since the 10th doctor, David Tennant, except the recent female Dr. Who series with Jodie Whittaker, which we have only watched a few of so far. We have watched them on DVD since we don’t get Disney+. It will take us a while to get to the 15th Doctor.

    1. george Post author

      Tracy, Disney+ offers free weekend views at times and other inexpensive short term deals. You’ll enjoy the 15th Doctor Who!


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