15 thoughts on “FAVORITE FILMS OF 2013

  1. Deb

    I haven’t seen many “new” movies this year, although my husband and I plan to see “American Hustle” as a date night movie. I have seen a number of documentaries (once again thank you Netflix) and think that “Blackfish” is the most devastating.

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    Because of Jackie’s surgery and inability to sit in a crowded movie theater we haven’t been to the movies in months. We did see IRON MAN 3 on video. Most of the movies (and the best ones) were things we saw in Florida from 2012. BLUE JASMINE and PHILOMENA are definitely on our “to see” list.

    1. george Post author

      Carl, Judi Dench is marvelous in PHILOMENA! You will love IRON MAN 3 (the best one of the series). Cate Blanchett is astonishing in BLUE JASMINE.

  3. Carl V. Anderson

    Sorry if I was confusing, I saw and did love Iron Man 3 when it came out. What my comment was referencing is that when I do my favorites post for movies in a few days, Iron Man 3 will be on it.


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