28 thoughts on “FIRST SNOW OF THE SEASON!

    1. george Post author

      Bob, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario have water temperatures in the 50s, over 10 degrees above Normal. If we get an Arctic Clipper, we could get feet of Lake Effect snow!

  1. Byron

    Thanks for sharing the photos, George. I still get excited at each first snow. I woke up to a light snow last Sunday and later that evening went for a walk downtown and along the river. Almost every store had Christmas displays in their windows. It made me feel like a kid.

  2. Deb

    No real sign of winter yet—although we did have to run our heater for the first time since last winter on Sunday morning. We woke up and the house was 63 degrees so decided it was time to switch from a/c to heat. Our mornings have been cool and I’ve been wearing a sweater to stand at the bus ramp as our students arrive, but by midday, the sweater is hanging on the back of my chair.

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    Boo! Not exactly “Winter” but is has gotten colder – 30s in the morning, 40s for a high (where the normal high is still in the mid-50s). We are supposed to go back to 65 on Thursday (yay!) but like it or not, it’s coming.

    And no, I don’t want to hear the “s” word.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, every year at this time when the roads get snowy and icy, some people forget how to drive in the Winter so local TV features cars and pickup trucks in ditches all over Western New York.

      1. Todd Mason

        I was consistently impressed by how badly people in DC/Northern VA drive in snow; I learned to drive in Hawaii and did better, but had lived with my parents, involved in their early marriage and my infancy with semipro auto-racing, in Alaska and New England, for fifteen years before our time in Hawaii. Philadelphia-area drivers a bit less insane, except for the particularly large number of idiots who think their pickup trucks are high-performance vehicles. (Pickup drivers do include in their ranks a notable number of idiots everywhere, but never more visibly than in the first snows of the season in the Mid Atlantic and similar climes.)

      2. george Post author

        Todd, around here there seems to be an “adjustment period” after the first few snowfalls for drivers to adjust to icy conditions on the roads. There’s nothing like the sight of a vehicle in a ditch to make you slow down and exercise caution.

    1. george Post author

      Dan, we’re just dealing with a couple inches of nuisance snow. But some of the Snow Belt areas south of Buffalo are dealing with a foot of snow.

  4. Michael Padgett

    When I was in the Air Force in the early Seventies I spent two years at Griffiss AFB in Rome NY. On any normal winter day there was more snow than I’d seen in my entire previous life. Surprisingly, it really didn’t bother me. They were really good at keeping it plowed and driving was never much of a problem.

    1. george Post author

      Michael, most services like plowing and salting/sanding the roads in the Snow Belt have trained professionals and top-flight equipment to handle snow and ice. It’s the residents who “forget” their winter driving skills who end up in the ditch.

  5. Kent Morgan

    It arrived last Thursday here in Winnipeg and the guy who cleans my walks and parking pad had already been here three times by yesterday. Looked out earlier this morning and saw that my walks had a little more snow, but not enough to be cleaned in my opinion. Now I see he must have showed up again as they have been cleaned. I pay by the month so it’s been well worth it for November. It’s been just around freezing, but it seems very damp when you go out. Going to stay in today and tomorrow and get a jump on my next two sports columns and sort some books to donate.. Our two major organizations that accept books, the Children’s Hospital Book Market and The Friends of the Library, still aren’t accepting donations.

    1. george Post author

      Kent, our yo-yo weather is causing a lot of people to get sick. It was freezing last night and tomorrow it’s supposed to hit 60 degrees! Our local Public Library collects books for the U.S. Military and sends boxes of books to service members.

  6. wolf

    Here in Hungary near the Danube no snow yet, just a few nights below zero.
    The last days we had at least 10 degrees Celsius (50 Fahrenheit) and sunshine so my wife told me to do the washing and put the clothes on the “spider” clothesline to dry outside for fresh air.
    In the Alps and the Black Forest the first snow was sighted already.
    Everybody’s wondering whether we will have snow at all here this winter.
    Well, and of course all the stores are full of Xmas sweets – not really healthy so my wife and I decided not to buy anything!


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