Among the great Science Fiction artists, John Harris looms as one of my long time favorites. Just in time for the holidays, The Art of John Harris, Volume 2 just showed up. Like Harris’s first volume of gorgeous SF artwork, The Art of John Harris, Beyond the Horizon (you can read my review here), this latest collection of eye-popping artwork will dazzle anyone on your gift list who loves unique visions of Space and the Future.

I confess, I bought many SF books simply because they had great John Harris artwork on the cover. I love these great books of concept paintings that capture the Universe on a massive scale, featuring everything from epic landscapes and towering cities to out-of-this-world science fiction vistas! SF artwork doesn’t get better than this!! GRADE: A
George, many thanks for this.
What a fantastic artist!
Didn’t remember his name so I looked him up:
And then I searched g*gle for pictures with “john harris cover art”
A kind of paradise for an SF enthusiast like me.
And it seems that many people think similarly – his work spans so many areas and industries.
From cover art for the user manuals of the ZX81(one of the first personal computers) to NASA.
Wolf, I love the work of several Science Fiction artists. I grew up reading SF magazines with great cover artwork by EMSH and Frank Kelly Freas. Then paperbacks took over and I bought a lot of ACE Books with covers by John Schoenherr, Richard Powers, Jack Gaughan, Chris Foss, Leo and Diane Dillon, John Berkey, and Vincent DiFate.
George-you are such a well-rounded guy. Music, art, literature, theater. You have lived a very full and rich life.
Patti, Life is what you make it. I am never lonely or bored as long as I have books, music CDs, movies, and good friends like you around!
I prefer Boris Vallejo’s SF drawings. But if you want to see something unique, try Una Woodruff, Kai Nielsen, or my fav., Arthur Rackham. I also like Michael Hague
Maggie, I classify Boris Vallejo and Frank Frazetta in the Fantasy Artwork category. I’ll check out Woodruff, Hague, and Nielsen. I have a couple volumes of Arthur Rackham artwork.
Nice! I really like those.
Jeff, I’ve purchased SF novels just to get the John Harris covers! I love these beautiful art books!
I’ve got this one on my Christmas wish list. I’m the same way, I have collected many, many books over the years simply because John Harris did the cover art. He is one of my absolute favorites and I am thrilled every time I see a book come out with a new Harris cover.
Carl, I have the same reaction to a book with John Harris cover: I must have it! Both of John Harris’s art books are fabulous!