“Luff Imbry is probably my favorite creation. Modeled on Kaspar Gutman, the ‘Fat Man’ Sydney Greenstreet played in The Maltese Falcon, he is a con man, thief, forger extraordinaire, aficionado of a myriad art forms, and a sophisticated gourmet.” (p. ix)

Matthew Hughes developed Luff Imbry and his cunning criminality of the Future over the years with short stories, Forays of a Fat Man (you. can read my review here), and a novel, The Other (you can read my review here). I, and a number of Hughes fans, enjoy the intelligence of Imbry despite his less than lawful pursuits.

The One, just published this week, is a sequel to The Other with Luff Imbry intent on vengeance for his near-death experience in The Other. But Imbry soon learns the nature of the Universe is about to morph from one operating on reason and technology to a new era where magic rules. And, fortunately, Imbry seems to have some ability to become a thaumaturge (aka, Wizard+).

As with all Matthew Hughes books, there are mysteries to investigate, dangers to untangle, and puzzles to solve. The One is the one book you should be reading! GRADE: A

14 thoughts on “FRIDAY’S FORGOTTEN BOOKS #793: THE ONE By Matthew Hughes

  1. Steve Oerkfitz

    I bought this last week. Haven’t had a chance to read it yet but this is also my favorite hughes character.

  2. Fred Blosser

    Another of the many contemporary SF authors I haven’t read! I’m probably not likely to either, but thanks anyway for keeping me up to date on these guys, George.

    1. george Post author

      Fred, if you’re a fan of Jack Vance, you’ll really like Matthew Hughes who seems to be channelling the Grand Master.

  3. Todd Mason

    Not atypically of late, I wrote a reply, then found myself distracted, and in clicking back, managed to erase the reply.

    I’ve been meaning to read more of Hughes, and it’s always great to hear from an artist who enjoys one’s appreciation of their work.

    1. george Post author

      Todd, you might want to take up Matthew Hughes’s offer of a free ebook for signing up for his monthly newsletter–I’m a subscriber–and following his activities. I recommend it.

  4. Matthew Hughes

    If you don’t mind, I’ll make the offer I do to people who are interested in my work:

    I put out a monthly newsletter, with news on what I’m writing, forthcoming books, sometimes a brief autobiographical episode, and other goodies.

    Anyone who signs up by following the link below gets a free ebook (epub and Kindle) of 9 Tales of Henghis Hapthorn, the first of the Hapthorn series.


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