COLD DAYS By Jim Butcher

Cold Days is the 14th book in the Harry Dresden series. Dresden is a Wizard and a Private Investigator, but in this novel he makes a deal with Mab, the Queen of Air and Darkness, Monarch of the Winter Court of the Sidhe, mistress and mentor of every wicked being in Faerie (think alternate magic dimension). In return for Mab’s help, Dresden agrees to become the Winter Knight, essentially Mab’s enforcer. As Winter Knight, Dresden acquires advance powers over ice and snow (which come in handy as his enemies are relentless).

The story arc of the past few books comes to a climax in Cold Days as much of the plot involves evil forces that Dresden only learns about in this novel. Despite overwhelming odds against him, Dresden manages to recruit friends and allies in his fight to save Chicago from destruction. If you’re in the mood for an apocalyptic story of Magic and Deceit, you’ll enjoy Cold Days.

6 thoughts on “COLD DAYS By Jim Butcher

  1. Carl V. Anderson

    I’ve read the first two in this series and enjoyed them both. I imagine I’ll dive back in at some point. I distinctly remember early on in the second book just getting sucked in and I could not stand to put the book down. It was intense and I just wanted to know what happened next.

    1. george Post author

      Carl, you’re in for a treat when you resume your reading of the Dresden Files series. Jim Butcher perfects that page-turner skill which powers readers through the books!

      1. george Post author

        Carl, if you go to the BLACKGATE web site, there are some videos of Jim Butcher getting interviewed. He’s a very sharp guy!

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