Diane and I were walking around TARGET when I noticed a display of Good & Gather Sparkling Water. Several flavors were displayed, but the one that caught my eye was the Ginger Peach Sparkling Water. I love ginger and I love peaches so this looked really good. So, I bought an 8-pack.
Part of the problem of trying New Things is that the result might be Disappointment. When I tasted a glass of Good & Gather Ginger Peach Sparkling Water I didn’t taste any ginger. And, I didn’t taste any peach. All I tasted was fizz.
Do you drink sparkling water? Do you have a favorite? GRADE: F
Can’t stand flavored waters. Just give me plain water or if I want something flavored give me juice or pop. This must be the lowest rating you given.
Steve, the only thing I can say about GOOD & GATHER’s GINGER PEACH SPARKLING WATER is that it’s wet.
You made me want to know more – so I looked:
It contains no fruit, no calories, no sugar etc – just “natural flavourings” i e chemicals to give you a certain taste …
I couldn’t drink this, we either have just sparkling water, juice or beer and wine …
I remember how my wife tried different tastes, cola etc when we went to the USA on holiday – in the end we settled on sparkling water.
And in the evening a beer or two.
There are some horrible stories. In England Coca Cola sold “natural enriched” water (forgot the brand) – until someone found out that this was just purified water with stuff added – from the river Thames!
That brand of course is dead …
Wolf, the “natural flavorings” are undetectable to my palate.
I actually really enjoy this sparkling water. Yes, there’s not much flavor because they can’t add much and still have it be 0 calories. I can smell it which tricks my senses enough into thinking there’s a hint of flavor to it, so it’s been a great alternative to soda for me. I like my bubbles! Natural flavor means it’s derived from plants/animals in some way. Everything is a chemical!
My drink menu is pretty boring–water, coffee, tea, and an occasional Coke or Sprite. No flavored or sparkling water and, generally, nothing that comes in a can.
Michael, because of the medications I’m on, I need to hydrate constantly. So coffee in the morning, water (and sparkling water) during the day, and a glass of red wine at night.
By my count, George, you have seven cans left. Give them to your most pesky neighbor (but try not to emit any evil laughs until you are out of sight!)
Jerry, we are surrounded by very nice neighbors so I wouldn’t inflect GOOD & GATHER’s GINER PEACH SPARKLING WATER on any of them. I’ll just hold my nose and chug them down.
No. I mean, I have had sparkling water (unflavored, if you please), but generally prefer plain old water, period, either from the tap or the bottle.
Jeff, I was always amused when I was traveling in Europe that the waiters would offer plain water (free) and sparkling water (like 5 Euros). I always opted for the plain water.
I don’t like sparkling water, though I love flavored water. Hint is good, but could use a stronger flavor.
I’m a sucker for trying different drinks. I hate mineral water as it tastes like dirt to me. I drink a lot of tea, mostly caffeine free
Sobe life water (now defunct) had a great flavored water macintosh apple cherry. When it was discontinued I went all over town buying them up. still have a few bottles left.
I like the flavored coke (diet or zero) but never got to try the cherry vanilla.
If you haven’t noticed, most diet drinks have disappeared. there is no sprite zero anyplace here. Still diet 7 up, but not sure for how long. It’s due to an aluminum shortage. Coke is only producing its most popular drinks. coke, sprite and diet coke (no flavored ones) no diet dr pepper or caffeine free dr pepper. I’m wondering if this shortage is because recycling centers were shut down until a month ago.
Maggie, like you I like to try different drinks. And, like you I find mineral water “gritty.” We’ve had shortages of diet drinks here in Western New York, too.
I’m usually a bottled (plain) water gal. I start with a fresh bottle each morning and refill it from the faucet as needed during the day. Walmart does have a sparkling flavored water brand called Clear American—John and the girls like the citrus flavors—Lemon, Lime, Tangerine—also the Cherry and Mango flavors.
Deb, I might have to give Clear American water a try next time I visit Wal-Mart.
You shop at evil Walmart???
Rick, sometimes. Diane prefers TARGET and KOHL’S while I prefer BJ’S WAREHOUSE and SAM’S CLUB. But AMAZON gets most of our money. Are you protesting in Portland? Your fair city has made the Evening News every night this week.
In Florida, the water was mediocre at best, so we bought cases of Kirkland bottled water at Costco. Here we have good water, so drink that. Jackie keeps a case of Lipton Diet Citrus Iced Tea, but it isn’t for me.
Jeff, I sometimes drink PURE LEAF unsweetened tea when Diane buys it on sale. I haven’t tried the Lipton Diet Citrus Ice Tea. I’ll have to keep on the look-out for it.
I have tried to get into these, a break from iced tea for me which I make with Lipton tea, but I never like either the sweet or the unsweetened.
Patti, same here. Some of the flavored beverages are either too sweet or too blah.
No flavored water, thank you.
The additional problem with ANY bottled product is what to do with the bottle. We use tap water, in 32 ounce reusable bottles, kept in the ‘fridge. I might drink a soda in a week, usually diet Dr. Pepper.
I never buy bottled water. To me it’s seems like one big con unless you live somewhere where the tap water isn’t very good. Like Flint Michigan. I do drink a lot of diet pop, actually too much but it satisfies my yearning for something sweet. Being diabetic I have to limit my sugar intake.
We couldn’t drink tap water while n the USA, always felt/tasted like it was full of Chlorine. And don’t even think about the mass of ice in it.
It’s true that bottled mineral water in Europe is expensive, sometimes as expensive as wine, especially the French water – but it’s strongly tested ….
Some high end restaurants have a water list/menu like their wine list.
A bit OT:
They made a law in Germany that in every bar or restaurant at least one alcohol-free drink must be cheaper than alcoholic drinks – usually beer is used for comparison …
Wolf, New York State just passed an ordinance that requires all alcohol in restaurants must be served with food.
Steve, when I was teaching in Buffalo, I always brought my own bottled water. The city Health Department found lead in the water because of the ancient water pipes (many over a 100 years old).
I have a brita pitcher, and I catch warm up water from showers and dishwashing for it. I use it to make tea. Our water isn’t great. I remember liking the water in Boulder.
The only bars that are open here are ones that serve food, and you can’t get booze without having food. Early closing times 10pm unless you’re finishing a meal, then it’s 1030
Maggie, I saw Ohio Governor Mike DeWine on MEET THE PRESS blaming bars, churches, and block parties for the spiking number of coronavirus cases in his state. DeWine refuses to issue a mandatory mask order but instead is spending thousands of dollars on ads to “promote” voluntary mask wearing.
I just looked at some flavored water I got at grocery outlet Blossom water is the brand Plum Jasmine, geranium pomegranate and hibiscus mango. The flavors aren’t real strong, but they’re tasty my favorite is the hibiscus mango
sobe lifewater was my favorite many good flavors, but they aren’t around any longer
Maggie, the WALL STREET JOURNAL says the sparkling water segment of the bottled water market is “exploding.”
Baltimore used to have one of the best water managers in the world, and he kept at it for a long time, but finally retired. From what I can tell, his successors are still doing a good job. Wolf, I don’t know when you here, but there was a time, ten or more years ago, when more chlorine was mandated for all our water. I didn’t notice a taste change, but when it first happened I noticed it in the shower — it smelled like a shower at a pool. After a month or so I didn’t notice that any more.
We make iced tea out of Tetley Decaffinated. Not to avoid the caffeine, we just really like the taste of it. We toss in a little earl grey as well.
Jeff, I tend to drink ice tea in the Summer and hot tea in the Winter. I’m a fan of Celestial Seasonings Emperor’s Choice. Many of my friends used to trek over the International Bridges to Canada to buy Bigelow Tea there. Supposedly, the Canadian version is much richer and stronger than the wimpy American tea.
Jeff, yes – the last time we were in the USA was 2011.
And I’m so happy that i could show my W”new” partner the breadth and variability of the States in 4 holidays all together.
I shudder to think of current times and having a holiday right now – doesn’t matter in which country.
We were already in our 60s when we went to the USA together the first time, now we’re just old …
Here in Europe we very often have a problem with too much lime in the water, doesn’t taste good and is not good for the machines.
Lately my drink of choice (necessity?) in this heat has been G Zero Gatorade.
Dan, I may be drinking Gatorade in my preparation for my colonoscopy next month.
George, I had this colonoscopy done twice already – the first time was horrible! The stuff I had to drink and of course how long I sat on the toilet …
The second time was much better, they had a new recipee for the drinks, not as many and not as ugly taste.
But the procedure itself was without problems. I remember once getting the sedation, waking up and asking the nurse: When do we start?
And she laughed and said: We’re done already, no pain? Then stay in bed for another thirty minutes and then you can get up and go home.
Wolf, I like the Happy Drugs (Versed) that our hospitals administer for the colonoscopies I’ve had. After the procedure, I’m just fine. Diane, on the other hand, does NOT tolerate anesthesia well. Plenty of vomiting after the procedure even with anti-nausea drugs. She’s usually wiped out for a couple days afterward.
I do drink sparkling water/seltzer.
I was a big fan of La Croix until their prices went thru the roof. As Joe says, “It’s just flavored water.”
I like grapefruit flavor and someone recommended Bubly but it has a kinda weird aftertaste.
I’ve just been getting Pick & Save/Kroger’s house brand, usually going with pink grapefruit, mandarin orange, or lemon.
Ice cold tap water is good too.
Beth, Katie is a big fan of La Croix. She usually loads up when it goes on sale.