1. Deb

    Congratulations! You both look very happy—and so young to have been married 44 years. You guys must have been teenagers when you got married. Have a great day…and enjoy that wonderful cake!

    1. george Post author

      Deb, Diane and I went to High School together. I had a crush on her…but was too shy to do anything about it. My sisters urged me to call Diane on the eve of our 10th High School Reunion in 1977 and we went to the Reunion together. Sadly, I had to fly back to Wisconsin the next day after some sparks flew the night before. We snail-mailed each other for six months and then when I returned to Western NY for Christmas…the magic started! We got engaged a few months later and got married a few days after Christmas in 1978.

  2. Jerry House

    Happy couple. Yummy cake. That picture of Diane makes you look like a cradle robber, George. May you have many more years (and cake) ahead of you!

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, Diane and I are the same age. We worked on the Yearbook together in High School and I fell for her then. I have a weakness for redheads!

  3. Dan

    44 Years!? That is the kind of Love they don’t make movies about.

    But when I look at Diane in the picture, I think she must have married you while she was still in Grade School! Are you folks by any chance from Kentucky?

    1. george Post author

      Dan, nope. Diane and I were both born around the same time in 1949 in Niagara Falls, NY. When I was still teaching, I mentioned to one of my classes that I had a 39th Wedding Anniversary approaching. After class, a student came up to me and said, “Dr. Kelley, I don’t know anybody who has been married that long. None of my family, none of my friends, nobody. You and your wife are Special!”

  4. wolfi7777

    Heartfelt congratulations!
    So you’re a perfect example of how good life can/could be.
    Many people might envy you who still look like young ones.

    1. george Post author

      Wplf, thank you for your kind words! Diane wears a Fitbit and tries to achieve 10,000 steps each day. I go to the Pool four days a week and ride a stationary bike on the days I don’t go to the Pool. Both of us have some medical conditions–I have Type 2 diabetes and Diane is prone to kidney stones–but we try to stay active and eat sensibly. It helps to keep our brains working by reading and engaging in social interaction. We have two wonderful kids who bring a lot of joy into our lives, too!

  5. Patti Abbott

    It’s a Wonderful Life is your theme song. Happy Anniversary and may the God of Snow give Buffalo a miss the rest of this season.

  6. Beth Fedyn

    Congratulations, George and Diane!
    Usually, if I like one person in a couple, I can’t stand the other and wonder what my friend saw in him/her. Not the case with this duo; you are well-matched.
    Happy Anniversary and I hope you enjoy many more years together!
    That cake looks sinful.

    1. george Post author

      Beth, that 17-layer Chocolate Cake is sinful! If you come to visit Western NY I’ll introduce you to it! Marrying Diane is the luckiest thing I’ve done in my Life!

  7. Jeff Meyerson

    Happy Anniversary, George and Diane! Nice cake.

    Seems like it was only twelve months ago it was 43 years. We’re still 8 years ahead, of course(not that it’s a competition).

    Any big plans? Are you allowed to leave the house yet?

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, Patrick and Katie took Diane and me to a swanky restaurant before they left for NYC…and picked up the hefty check! That 17-layer Chocolate Cake was pricy! We’re worn out from the Blizzard, Patrick and Katie’s high energy visit, taking care of Johanna during her power outage, and dealing with all the snow so we’re going to hunker down for a bit. Even Big Orange needs a rest!

  8. maggie mason

    Congratulations. That is a very good example of waiting for the right person. Love the cake. I just had a big medical scare which turned out to be a large kidney stone, but I’d had them before and since I had no pain, didn’t consider it. After 2 catscans and 2 ultrasounds, it was discovered, but passed. (was told it was way too big to pass when they first saw it, but it did with no pain.)

    I was told a good way to avoid stones is to add lemon to water (previously, years ago, was told the causes are spinach, strawberries and chocolate, all of which I was eating a lot of). Has Diane tried that?

    1. george Post author

      Maggie, glad you survived the Kidney Stone scare! Diane gets kidney stones on an irregular basis. Most of the time she can pass them without Major Pain. But, once in a while, I see Diane’s face go pale and I know it’s time to break open the hydrocodone bottle! Diane’s doctor advised her to drink lemonade every day to reduce kidney stone formation.

  9. Jeff Meyerson

    Jackie says the wedding picture of Diane looks just like Katie. You, on the other hand, have a Bondian look (my take).

  10. tracybham

    George, congratulations on your anniversary and how wonderful to have your children there too. And that cake looks wonderful.

    My husband and I were born in 1950 and 1948 and in January we will celebrate our 43rd anniversary. It was a second marriage for me and a much happier one.

  11. Cap'n Bob Napier

    Congrats, you crazy kids!

    I got your CARE Package today, George, and I thank you. Also got Xmas cards from Beth and Jeff & Ann Smith! Now I don’t feel so bad about the one I sent late!
    I also got a 2023 Subaru Crosstrek today but it won’t arrive until some time in January!

    1. george Post author

      Bob, your CARE package arrived a day early! I hope you enjoy its contents! I think weather is affecting the mail and slowing it down. The Blizzard here certainly did!

  12. Carl V. Anderson

    44 years! that is incredible and wonderful. Congratulations to you both.

    Holy Moly, that is one ginormous piece of cake!

    I pray you have many, many more years of celebration together…and a bigger cake every year!

      1. Carl V. Anderson

        My wife would love it. I am not a cake person, so she’d get the whole thing to herself…apart from whatever frosting I stole. Love the frosting. We are 10 years behind you, we will be celebrating 34 in May.

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