18 thoughts on “HAPPY 4th OF JULY!

    1. george Post author

      Dan, for some reason each 4th of July, idiotic people spend their hard-earned money on fireworks that annoy Senior Citizens like me, and torture the dogs in our neighborhood. Not fun.

  1. Cap'n Bob

    I’d enjoy it more if the pinheads around here didn’t set off fireworks and upset my dog! It’s also illegal but the cops don’t have the manpower to handle all the calls! A few years ago, some scholar burned down his house fooling with fireworks! And there are always those who blow off a finger or two! Dummies!

    1. george Post author

      Bob, same here. Injuries, fires, and howling dogs punctuate July 4th. And the fools with fireworks will set them off tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday, too! What a waste of money!

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    Dan, some moron started throwing firecrackers at 4:30 am here! Hope that wasn’t you.

    George, I hope you and Diane are feeling better today.

    Patti, that reminds me of today’s editorial cartoon by Bramhall in the NY Daily News. It shows Uncle Sam celebrating the 248th Anniversary by blowing out the candles on a cake. His wish is, “I hope there’s a 249th.”

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, Diane is around 90% healthy. I’m still coughing and sneezing so I’m stuck at 70%. Temps in the mid-80s here. Humid, too. I’m going to try to get some reading done before the Brain Fog sets in.

  3. Wolf

    Wish you all and the US a good year!
    Here in Europe we are also watching what’s going on in DC – most people (like me) have bad feelings though of course there also are a few Trump-fans, especially in the far right/autocratic countries/groups.
    For many years (since the 1960s) I was so happy with the developments in Europe and the US – but now???
    Fireworks at home we see and hear frm our neighbours only on Dec 31 – but they’re bad enough, we always had problems with our dogs and cats …

    1. george Post author

      Wolf, things are worrisome here in America. For some reason–I suspect tax dollars–many States have legalized fireworks and what used to be a 4th of July event seems to be happening all year round!

      1. Cap'n Bob

        Out here, the Indians are the only one allowed to sell fireworks, and they don’t pay taxes!

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