38 thoughts on “HAPPY COLUMBUS DAY 2021!

  1. wolf

    Same to you all!
    The image of Columbus however has been permanently destroyed – that nice woman (teenage girl?) might have been one of the sex slaves he sold in Europe …

    1. george Post author

      Wolf, we were taught in school that Columbus was looking for a route to India. All the negative stuff he did only came out recently. Although our schools, banks, and Post Office are closed today, stores are open.

    1. george Post author

      Deb, most of the schools in Western NY are closed today, as are the banks and Post Office. When I was teaching at the College, we got Columbus Day off and the Tuesday following it. But, of course, it was called MID-SEMESTER BREAK to be Politically Correct.

      1. george Post author

        Steve, we seem to be more traditional: libraries closed, banks closed, Post Office closed. But BJ’s Warehouse was rocking this morning when we went shopping!

      2. george Post author

        Todd, on this Columbus Day (aka, Indigenous Peoples Day) all our schools are closed, banks and Post Office, too. And, Monday is our usual garbage pick-up day, but our Department of Public Works guys get today off. Garbage pick-up moves to tomorrow.

  2. Michael Padgett

    It seems to be fading away. I’d forgotten about it until I saw this. And this year there haven’t even been the usual tv commercials blasting out news of huge sales at car dealerships and furniture stores.

      1. Jeff Meyerson

        I always thought it was George Washington’s birthday when you bought a mattress. Unfortunately, Jackie bought us a new one a month or so ago.

  3. Jerry House

    To celebrate, I plan to enslave some indiginous people. Or, perhaps, I’ll just stay home and fold laundry.

    BTW, Deb is looking better than ever. Does John know you have access to that cache of her private photos?

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, we plan a trip to BJ’s Warehouse to buy some provisions including some paper products that are in short supply around here. Our family used to celebrate Columbus Day with a picnic–it’s supposed to hit 80 degrees here–but two of my sisters moved to Florida, my other sister moved to Arizona, and my brother and his wife are visiting Maine today. So, I guess we’ll celebrate Columbus Day with…pizza!

      1. Jeff Meyerson

        So far we haven’t seen any shortage of paper products here like there were last year, but then we stock up at Costco. I think it is more regional this time.

      2. george Post author

        Jeff, we picked up some more Kleenex at BJ’s Warehouse. Diane has stocked up on a 100 rolls of toilet paper so we’re set for the Apocalypse.

      3. wolf

        Of course!
        Columbus was an Italian though he served the Spanish.
        Wasn’t he also the inventor of Pizza! 🙂

  4. Jeff Meyerson

    Indigenous Peoples Day? OK. They are back to a live Columbus Day Parade in New York today. Personally, yes, Columbus was no saint, but he never was. And you can’t retroactively put modern values and sensibilities on someone who died 500 years ago. My favorite “Columbus discovers America” thing was Flip Wilson’s routine about a (clearly) black Queen Isabella, smitten with Columbus, funding his voyage so he can “find Ray Charles.”

    Bills fans everywhere are celebrating today. Next stop, the Super Bowl!

    1. Todd Mason

      No one requires us to demand Columbus behave as if he were around today…which didn’t mean he didn’t behave abominably then.

      And we have little reason to celebrate him.

      I’m more Italian than anything else, but I’m also Cherokee, so no great mixed feelings for this guy, on assignment for Spain and mostly a vicious screwup.

    2. george Post author

      Jeff, I admit I’m dragging today. That hour rain/lightning delay put the end of the Bills 38-20 win over the Chiefs way past my bedtime. Tons of Bills fans went to the airport to greet the team when they landed at dawn!

      1. george Post author

        Rick, the Chargers are starting to look like a very dangerous team after they came from behind to beat the Cleveland Browns.

    1. george Post author

      Rick, if someone had told me the Bills would beat the Chiefs (in Arrowhead!) by 18 points, I’d say they were crazy. The rain/lightning delay threw a wrench into the game, but the Bills held on to prevail. Thanks for the congrats. The Bills face the Tennessee Titans next week on Monday Night Football. Plenty of Prime Time exposure!

  5. Cap'n Bob Napier

    Damn! I just put some mail in my mailbox for thee postman to pick up! Guess I’d better bring it back in! I didn’t know you had that many siblings!


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