26 thoughts on “HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!

  1. Deb

    Happy Mother’s Day to Diane and all the other mothers (and mothers-in-law) out there. We’re having an Indian feast for dinner tonight: beef curry, samosas, paneer, raita, and naan. I haven’t opened any gifts yet, but I did see an unopened photo scanner box sitting in Julia’s room earlier this week. It’s something I’ve wanted for a while, so I suspect that’s my big gift.

    1. george Post author

      Deb, Happy Mother’s Day to you! Diane is in Ohio helping her sister. I’m here catching up on my reading. We are supposed to have a rain-free (and snow-free!) week–the first one in 2022 if it happens!

  2. Patti Abbott

    Are you cooking that Indian food or buying it? I can’t imagine being able to cook that cuisine myself. We have a large Indian population here so it is easy to get take away.

    1. Deb

      We’re cooking—so it’s definitely “Indian-filtered-through-Anglo” cooking. We’re doing the curry in the Instapot; I’m making the raita (the key is grating the cucumbers and squeezing all the water out); the samosas are store-bought; John will grill the paneer; and the naan is also from the store. And they’ll be basmati rice, of course.

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    Yum. We thought of Indian food today – you need to avoid those restaurants with “special” (i.e. expensive) Mothers Day menus, plus the ones that attract big crowds – but instead decided to just pick up a salad and a pizza, because it is TOO DAMN COLD! This is May and we’re freezing here. At least the two straight days of rain are over, but it is still too cold and overcast and very windy.

    Happy Mothers Day to Diane and Deb and Patti and all the other mothers out there. Can’t believe it is just over 10 years since my mother died.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, Western NY has been unseasonably chilly, too. But this week we’re supposed to be in the 70s and might even hit 80!

  4. wolf

    Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers here and everywhere!
    Fun fact:
    Today is Mother’s Day in most of Europe too – but here in Hungary it’s the first Sunday in May, was last Sunday.
    Since I’m still handicapped and can’t move around to much I had to leave it to my wife’s son to get presents …

    1. Jeff Meyerson

      Yeah, I’d blame it on Hallmark, but in this case it started in 1907 in West Virginia, according to Wikipedia, and wasn’t originally commercial, as it certainly is now. Hallmark started three years later, in 1910. Father’s Day started in Seattle in 1910.

      Worst Father’s Day gift ever – I gave my father chicken pox when I was a kid.

      1. george Post author

        Jeff, Good Intentions–like Mother’s Day and Father’s Day–tend to morph into a selling opportunity in our capitalistic culture.

    2. george Post author

      Rick, I think Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are Real Things. The made-up marketing days include Pet’s Day, Movie Day, Jazz Day, and Astronomy Day.

      1. Rick Robinson

        Then there ought to be – as I’ve long held – a Intentionally Not A Parent Day. The world certainly doesn’t need more mouths to feed.

      2. george Post author

        Rick, the Supreme Court is on a trajectory to increase the number of unwanted births significantly. Most of the Red States already have “trigger” legislation to go into effect as soon as the Supreme Court strikes down Roe v. Wade that will force women to give birth even if they don’t want to.

      3. wolf

        I never would have thought it possible that the USA was going back into the 19th century – or even into the Middle Ages?
        What’s going on in the world?

      4. george Post author

        Wolf, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control reported that one of the effects of Covid-19 is to age the human brain 10 years. So many people in the 60s are going to deal with dementia 10 years early. That might explain why the U.S. is regressing.

  5. Jerry House

    Wishing Diane a very Happy Mother’s Day away from you! (Hmm. That may not have out as nice as I meant it…)

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, I volunteered to travel to Ohio with Diane (I don’t like the idea of traveling alone for anyone these days) but Diane said no…and packed her Taser.

  6. wolf

    I just found this and had to post it – MAD 55 in 1960


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