8 thoughts on “HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, Diane and her sister Carol are in New York City this weekend seeing Broadway plays and eating at swanky restaurants. Meanwhile, I’m at home eating pizza!

    1. george Post author

      Patti, Diane’s Mother’s Day is special this year because she’s with her sister and Patrick and Katie in NYC! Fun, fun, fun!

  1. Deb

    Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers (and mothers-in-law) out there! We went out for Chinese last night—and apparently we weren’t the only family who decided to get a jump on the Mother’s Day celebrations: the place was packed! Today, John will be roasting a stuffed Cajun chicken that we purchased on our trip to Lafayette. Our basil plant has been flourishing, so we’ll also be making a big platter of caprese salad (basil, fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, salt, lemon juice, olive oil—chef’s kiss). I anticipate a day of reading, watching baseball, and good eatin’.

    1. george Post author

      Deb, that all sounds delicious! While Diane and her sister are visiting NYC, I’ve ordered pizza on Friday, Chinese food yesterday, and plan a submarine sandwich today–all food choices Diane would frown on. Tomorrow, I’ll drive to the Buffalo Airport and pick up Diane and Carol and I’ll surprise them by taking them to a swanky restaurant to celebrate their return!

  2. Jeff+Meyerson

    Happy Mothers Day, Deb. Besides the whole “getting a jump on Mothers Day” thing, you also picked a Saturday night, so that might have affected how many people were eating out.

    Also hope Diane is enjoying her trip to New York. She has a beautiful day today (yesterday was a little humid), sunny and mild but not hot.

    Your menu sounds good to me, George!

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, the type of pizza ordered was loaded with hot peppers–something that cause Diane to faint!–and the egg rolls and vegetable fried rice was delicious (but Diane doesn’t like Chinese food). So basically I’m eating food Diane would reject. Today is submarine sandwich day. Tomorrow, I head for the Airport and my culinary choices will become very limited again. Diane called me this morning and told me Carol, Patrick, Katie, and Annie (Carol’s granddaughter who now lives in Brooklyn) enjoyed SOME LIKE IT HOT: A MUSICAL and KIMBERLY AKIMBO. Tonight Patrick, Katie, and Diane will go see & Juliet while Carol and Annie go see SIX. The weather here is sunny and 60s.


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