18 thoughts on “HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023!

  1. Jerry House

    Based on the past three years I can only wish that 2023 will turn out not as bad as it might. The optimist in me, though, hopes it will bring peace, prosperity, and joy to all.

  2. Deb

    Happy New Year, everyone! My 2023 resolution is to stop sending George private pictures of me that he inevitably ends up posting here! When will I learn?

  3. Fred Blosser

    Criswell predicts more catastrophic blizzards, hurricanes, tornados, floods, record heat waves, and draughts (that’s an easy one), more mass shootings (sadly, also a foregone conclusion), GOP knives-out for the Dems as revenge for the Jan. 6 hearings, starting as soon as the House convenes (also easy), a deep economic slump resulting from a domino series of hi-tech crashes, more nonsense about a Border “crisis” that neither political party really wants to “solve,” and Trump in the news every night thanks to his usual free publicity from the shamelessly fawning and complicit media. And now for the bad news . . .

  4. Todd Mason

    Well, kindness always helps. A good thing to remember. Not that too many of our fellow humans will, but some frequently do, and that’s about what we can hope for.

    Now if only the microorganisms will leave us alone a bit more, as well. If we consider viruses and viroids “organisms”…

    A much better year for us all, even those who had less than catastrophic years.

    1. george Post author

      Todd, Happy New Year to you! We need to learn how to live with our micro-organisms because they are NOT going away. We can only hope for the Best and prepare for the Worst!

    1. george Post author

      neeru, Happy New Year to you and your family! My son Patrick is celebrating 2023 in Houston, Texas; my daughter is celebrating the New Year in Boston, Massachusetts. I’m celebrating right here in Western NY with some champagne that was gifted to me!

  5. Jeff Meyerson

    The Giants put a beating on the woefful Indianapolis Colts and clinched the playoffs for the first time since 2016. Brian Daboll got it done!

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, I told you before this season started that Brian Daboll and Joe Schoen would turn the NY Giants around. But, even I am impressed with Daboll/Schoen getting the team into the Playoffs!


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