22 thoughts on “HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024!

      1. Todd Mason

        Even as an Italian-Am, older form of Columbus Day would be the one I’m least behind…even down to his damned name was Colombo…but drunken teens with fireworks is a persuasive argument.

  1. Wolf

    Happy New Year George to you and your wonderful family and of course everybody on this site!
    Let’s just hope the the year 2024 will also be better in all areas, especially the political one.

    1. Todd Mason

      Back at you, Wolf…may your adopted country not get Too crazy around you, even as all the others are/do.

      I remain pretty sure that even un-imprisoned candidate tRump gets on ballots, he loses (again). There are only so many sycophantic fools.

  2. Jerry+House

    Gosh, you are a cute couple.

    The fact that 2024 is an election year does not bode well, but if we all stare that sucker straight in the eye, we might scare it into submission. Wishing you, your loved ones, and your amazing blog family health, happiness, and prosperity in the coming year.

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, Happy New Year to you and your family! And you happen to have an amazing blog, too! Hope Jerry’s House of Everything keeps rocking this year!

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    Same to you and yours, George (and everyone here). We went to bed at 11 but were awakened at midnight by some morons shooting off fireworks for about 15 minutes. At least it isn’t Florida, so no gunplay.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, Diane and I stayed up to Midnight and heard fireworks here, too. We slept in this morning because everything was quiet. We did get a dusting of snow overnight.

  4. Deb

    Happy New Year to all! We stayed up until midnight (the neighborhood was awash in fireworks) to toast 2024, but I was in bed by 12:05! I had spent all day yesterday taking down Christmas decorations, then we had our traditional New Year’s Eve dinner of cheese fondue followed by chocolate fondue, so by midnight I was full and sleepy. Slept like a log for eight hours straight!

    1. george Post author

      Deb, best wishes for a great 2024 for you and your family. Diane and I toasted the New Year at Midnight with a glass of Cinzano Asti Spumante! That put me to sleep minutes later.

    2. Jeff Meyerson

      Nice dinner! We had Indian food, as we often do on New Year’s Eve – onion pakora, chicken tikka, chana masala, naan. We followed that at home with a piece of checkerboard cake with ice cream.

      1. george Post author

        Jeff, Diane and I had Turkey Soup for New Year’s Eve dinner followed by a variety of desserts. Now that it’s 2024, Diane’s Resolution is to cut back on sweets and baking.

  5. Fred Blosser

    We’re all still here, so that counts for something. Both girls and their families were out of town, so we welcomed midnight with friends back in VA by phone. All I can say for 2024 as Gaza, Ukraine, and Trump careen off the rails . . . batten down the hatches.

  6. Wolf

    Re elections in 2024:
    It’s not only the USA, the EU parliament is also up for election and some people fear that the extreme right wing will get much stronger everywhere like it happened already in some countries.
    And there are more countries all over the world – just read that around 2.5 billion people will participate in national elections!

    1. Todd Mason

      Well, most of the EU’s richer countries are doing something with Ukraine…unanimity would be nice, but too many are too dependent on trade, etc., with Russia, or, like too many of our GOP, are sympathetic with Russian fascism.


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