27 thoughts on “HAPPY PRESIDENTS’ DAY 2022

    1. george Post author

      Todd, Diane and I have a friend who has ZERO anti-bodies for Covid-19 despite getting vaccinated. He is immuno-compromised so essentially, he lives in a bubble. Diane and I plan to take our rapid Covid-19 tests (I expect to test negative and so does Diane), order our friend his favor pizza, pick it up, and deliver it to him. What better way to celebrate Presidents’ Day than with pizza!

  1. Cap'n Bob Napier

    I’d have to go with Washington, maybe Jefferson! When I was a kid we’d get Lincoln’s birthday (Feb 12) and Washinton’s birthday (Feb 22) off! Now it’s a generic holiday that honors the good guys and the poltroons equally!

  2. Todd Mason

    Least unfavored president…so much easier to cite favorite presidential candidates…Sonia Johnson, of the Citizens Party in 1984…the attempt to draft Martin Luther King, Jr and Benjamin Spock as p/vp candidates in ’68 (Spock ran for president as the candidate of the eventual People’s Party in 1972)…Pat Paulsen, Norman Thomas. Eugene Debs. 2012 Green VP candidate Cheri Honkala.

    For the hell of it, let’s give Martin Van Buren an attaboy for being less insane than Jackson before him and running again for the Free Soil Party to retard the growth of slavery in the country.

      1. Cap'n Bob Napier

        I saw a presentation on the 10 Worst Presidents yestrerday and Van Buren was on the list! Clinton wasn’t, so you know the list is garbage!

    1. george Post author

      Patti, Great Minds Think Alike! The Economy was broken, the people were suffering, and FDR did everything he could–even threatening to pack the Supreme Court–to turn things around.

  3. Michael Padgett

    I’d go with FDR as the best, even though he died eight months after I was born. The one who’ll turn out to be the most important of my lifetime will almost certainly be Trump, since I don’t believe the damage he’s done (and is still doing) can be reversed.

  4. Jeff Meyerson

    No Trump? I men shouldn’t he be up there with Coolidge and Reagan in the Republican Hall of Shame?

    I’d have to go with Lincoln first, FDR second.

  5. maggie mason

    Kennedy for me. Though I also like Carter, Obama, Roosevelt & Lincoln. Ike wasn’t a horrible republican Kennedy was the first I really knew about.

    I took my tax stuff into my accountant for our annual gabfest (most of the time chatting, this time living thru hurricane Ida, other times it’s been comic con & Rock n Roll hall of fame.

    tried to post a pix from my last friday’s High school lunch, but past didn’t work

      1. Todd Mason

        Carter is one of the best ex-presidents, to be sure, I figured I’d leave the easy, and usually overrated, choices to others. Though there are few presidents more overrated than Jackson, Wilson and Reagan. Trump’s fascist fankids overrate him, but happily they have always been a small minority within a minority…and for goodness’s sake, let’s rid ourselves of the Electoral College.

      2. george Post author

        Todd, the Electoral College was put in place to placate the Southern States. It’s a conservative mechanism and getting enough support to jettison it will be nearly impossible.

  6. Jerry House

    Anyone but Trump.

    So many others to choose from: Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, either Roosevelt, Truman, Obama…but since I am a big fan of the old pulp magazines and have been searching for years for the complete 36-issue run of SPICY CHESTER A. ARTHUR STORIES I may have to go with our ol’ buddy Chet.


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