21 thoughts on “HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY!

  1. Jerry House

    Sure and begorrah, George, you should be more specific. Some people might think you are referring to the St. Patrick who drove all the snakes out of Ireland instead of his lesser known cousin St. Patrick O’Fumblestick who drove the green beer into Ireland exactly one month before. In my house we can give a fig about snakes, but green beer on the other hand…

    So, a blessed St. Patrick O’Fumblestick’s Day to you and the missus and to all the wee Kelley Leprechauns.

  2. Dan

    So here I am, wearing green, fixing up a meal of corned beef & potatoes, with THE QUIET MAN on TV and…
    What? It’s NOT??
    No wonder my generation grew up mistrustful of authority.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, our snow mounds are shrinking…but we have huge puddles everywhere…and more rain on the way this afternoon! My sump pump runs all the time now!

      1. george Post author

        Jeff, after a 50 degree day, we’re headed for the teens tomorrow. All the melted snow will refreeze and tomorrow the roads will be like an ice rink!

    1. george Post author

      Rick, I check the post list in WORDPRESS each night before I go to bed. The only post scheduled was HARVEST. And then, out of nowhere, appears the ST. PATRICK’S DAY post I scheduled for next month! WORDPRESS pulls these mischievous tricks on a regular basis!

  3. Byron

    George, my sense of time has been so thoroughly ravaged by life during the pandemic that it didn’t dawn on me that this was an accidental post.

  4. Cap'n Bob Napier

    I hate WordPress for making all my comments (and no one else’s) go through a moderation process before appearing! But I’m not Irish, I’m a Scotsman, so St. Drunkard’s Day means nothing to me!


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