HARRY WILD, Season 3 [BBC America]

“Literature professor Harriet “Harry” Wild (Jane Seymour) is adjusting to retirement when she’s mugged. While recovering at the home of her son (Kevin Ryan), a detective in the Dublin police, Harry gleans a clue for his current case. But when she’s rebuffed, Harry decides to solve the crime herself. Recruiting an unlikely young sidekick (Rohan Nedd), she finds a new path as a private investigator.” That’s the description of Harry Wild provided by BBC America.

The Third Season of Harry Wild opens with the lead singer, Jamie, of popular British Boy band, Hot Boy 4, plunging to his death from the roof a building where the group was going to perform. Harry Wild, her granddaughter, and her sidekick Fergus witness the incident. Later, the granddaughter pleads with Harry to take on the case and prove that Jamie was murdered.

Harry uncovers key evidence that suggests the murderer was technically savvy. Also, Jamie died with a piece of paper in his pocket with a line from a Yeats poem. There are also lines from Keats and Shakespeare sprinkled throughout the episode showing that Harry knows her literature. Harry Wild is nothing special, but I found it mildly entertaining with a couple of surprises thrown into the mix. Are you a Jan Seymour fan? GRADE: B

13 thoughts on “HARRY WILD, Season 3 [BBC America]

  1. Todd Mason

    I’ve been watching it in a haphazard fashion, but given that the broadcast nets are going All Game Shows on Mondays, I’ll probably be catching more of them on first cablecast in the remaining spring/summer episodes…

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    On my list of Shows We’ve Watched at Least Once and Will Watch Again, this is right at the bottom. We both hated it.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, the production values are low, but I like Jane Seymour. Diane and I will keep watching HARRY WILD until something better comes along.

      1. Jeff Meyerson

        We are watching so many other shows on MHz/Topic, Britbox, Acorn, PBS Masterpiece, Prime, Max, etc. that we are never at a loss for shows. Jackie used to watch Seymour as Doctor Quinn, but this was weak.

      2. Jeff Meyerson

        Jackie says she enjoyed the two series of JOE PICKETT. I quit after the first series. She watched EVERWOOD on Freevee and is now watching HART OF DIXIE.

    1. george Post author

      Todd, yes, HARRY WILD is “B” material. We find it mildly entertaining. But, there’s just not much quality TV to watch. And, now Summer shows will arrive…

  3. Deb

    John and I watched the first few episodes (he still has a soft spot in his heart for Jane Seymour from her Bond Girl days), but I was not impressed. Everything seemed to revolve around Harry having a taser conveniently close by. John has continued to watch episodes here & there, but it just wasn’t for me.

    1. george Post author

      Deb, HARRY WILD is NOT Must-See-TV but, like John, I have a soft spot in my heart for Jane Seymour. I do like the literary quotes they sprinkle into the dialogue.

  4. Cap'n Bob

    I OD’ed on Jane Seymour after watching half a season of Dr. Quinn! The premise of this show sounds wildly improbable and I don’t get that station anyhow!


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