Photo-illustration by Neil Jamieson

“Trump first brought up her Time cover during his disastrous chat with Elon Musk on Monday night. “She looks like the most beautiful actress ever to live,” he complained. “It was a drawing, and actually, she looked very much like our great First Lady Melania. She didn’t look like Camilla [Kamala], that’s right. But of course, she’s a beautiful woman, so we’ll leave it at that, right?”

Many people pointed out that this was a very weird thing to say, as Harris looks nothing like Melania Trump in the cover image, and comparing your female opponent’s looks to your wife’s is generally a bad move. But Trump is still fixating on the image. He brought it up again during a rally in Asheville, North Carolina, on Wednesday evening, which was ostensibly about the economy but included lots of personal attacks against Harris.” — New York magazine,
“Trump Can’t Hide Jealousy Over Kamala Harris Time Cover” By Margaret Hartmann

Is Trump losing it?

24 thoughts on “HER MOMENT

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, last night at his Pennsylvania rally, Trump told the crowd he’s better looking than Kamala. You’re right: Trump’s all wet!

  1. Jeff Meyerson

    As Lily Tomlin put it in THE LATE SHOW, “Does the Pope shit in the woods?”

    But no, I don’t think Trump is losing it. That ship sailed some time ago. He lost the plot and there is no evidence he recognizes that or is trying to get it back. Not only is he obsessed with Biden – “Which do you like better – Sleepy Joe or -” – but he even brought up the oldie but goodie, “Hillary’s E-Mails.”

    Like THE APPRENTICE, his ratings are sinking with each new “season” and it is time to pull the plug.

  2. Fred Blosser

    Unhinged would be an understatement. What would you expect from a sociopath who views the world as a “reality” TV series? Unfortunately, as long as he can blow the racist whistle, as long as his lickspittles like the loathsome Lindsay and Fox News support him, and as long as Putin’s trolls can pump out rancid disinformation on social media, he’ll keep on going.

  3. wolf

    This makes me really hope that Mrs Harris will win the elections.
    Trump is such an a**hole that I often wondered how he made it the first time.
    And how can any woman vote for this sexual ***expletive deleted***?
    And even a black/coloured person?
    I’m in a forum that handles tourism to the USA, many nice reports and pictures of travels but some time ago I had a problem with one of the Trumpguys there – he kept writing KamEla Harris …
    So first they banned me from the politics part of the forum but in the end this guy was thrown out.

    1. george Post author

      Wolf, Americans are divided and billions of “Dark Money” flow into the Presidential campaign from Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc. to divide us even more.

      1. Todd Mason

        Well, Jerry,, get elected or get rich, and you, too, can be bribed by such charmers. Most of them won’t do it for nice guys with large menageries.

    2. Todd Mason

      Wolf, he “won” the first time because we have a ridiculous Electoral College, and Clinton ran an amateur-hour campaign, though she Did win the popular vote, which Trump never has.

      We have fascists and reactionaries of all genders and ethnicities, alas, just as every other country does. Alternate List for Amerikkka.

  4. Todd Mason

    Trump can only lose ill-gotten gains inherited from his father or grifted/embezzled from his many failed businesses. And the salary for being a TV figurehead/jackass.

    And I suspect strongly that even with his cult, he will yet again fail to win the popular vote, and won’t (agan) win enough of the ridiculous Electoral Votes. Boo-hoo. As with Netanyahu, terrified of further prosecution after losing.

    I think the TIME drawing looks a bit like MT, and it’s not too flattering an image of Harris. Trump’s notion he looks better than anyone is a very sad aspect of his malignant narcissism. Even I think I Iook less repulsive than he, and that’s not something I’ll say about nearly anyone.

  5. wolf

    Todd, thanks for this “Amerikkka”!
    I should have known this when I was trying to fight the German/American right wingers. Because of thei leader’s nickname Kryptos i called them KKK = Kryptos and Konsorten Klan – but your Amerikkka is even better!
    Of course we also have a lot of crazy right-wingers in Europe too. As soon as I read expressions like Family, Christian, Home Country I kow what’s coming up. But as long as they are below 20% (in Germany eg) it ‘s not a real danger imho.
    Though to see those loonies get a majority in some EU states even is really disturbing.

    1. Todd Mason

      It is. And if they managed to completely capture the CDU…well, maybe Poland isn’t far enough away. Fascism certainly is erupting worldwide at the moment, and has been for some years.

      “AmeriKKKa” is certainly no my coinage,…sadly, going back through the decades of Tea Party, John Birch Society, the Ku Klux Klan itself, the Xian Right (or wrong), Huey Long’s and Charles Coughlin’s abortive campaigns (Long was assassinated, Coughlin was slapped down by the Vatican, as a RC priest), the Know-Nothings…it’s a sad litany. Now this idiot and his idiots and his useful idiots, who are as well as think they are using him, and they no better. Though they Should Know Better.


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