Hurricane Beryl, after ravaging the Caribbean, is now poised to dump a lot of rain on Western New York tomorrow. The storm track takes Beryl up the Ohio Valley and into the Buffalo area. It’s rare that hurricane/tropical storm remnants make it all the way from the Caribbean to Canada! What wacky weather!

Are you concerned about Climate Change?


    1. george Post author

      Todd, THE WEATHER CHANNEL meteorologists have noted that New Jersey is on of the states whose temperatures have really jumped!

  1. Jeff+Meyerson

    C’mon, George. Repeat after me:

    “There’s no such thing as climate change. ”

    My cousin was carrying on about Beryl coming to Connecticut, but before we left we saw the path would take the storm to Western NY and Ontario.

    Batten down the hatches! Good luck.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, our weather-guessers are predicting heavy rain and gusty winds for tomorrow. The word “flooding” was mentioned…

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, Beryl is barreling towards Western NY and Canada! She won’t be stopped by Customs at the International Bridges!

  2. Deb

    Stay dry, George! As for climate change, I’ve been assured by Fox News & Talk Radio that it’s just a liberal hoax, so I can ignore the asphalt when it starts melting!

    1. george Post author

      Deb, even Fox News can’t ignore the devastation in Texas with millions of people without power and flooding everywhere! Next year, the temps will be even higher fueling more storms!

  3. Dan

    Listen, George,
    if you get Campaign Contributions from Big oil,
    there is no such thing as Climate Change!

  4. Jeff+Meyerson

    We’re thinking of going to see Jeff’s sister in Scottsdale AZ. She’s having some serious medical issues. Not looking forward to 118° but IT’S A DRY HEAT! just like an oven!!

    1. george Post author

      Jackie, my sister in Tucson calls frequently to give me the latest temperature there. Triple digits are the norm right now! Dry heat is still really, really HOT!

  5. Fred Blosser

    Well, to put it gracefully, we’re screwed 10 ways to Tuesday. Until and unless someone finds a way to make wind, solar, and geothermal cheap and ubiquitous, we’re tied to petrol, coal, and natural gas. I have to laugh at those ads claiming Big Oil is funding clean energy research. With luck George, Beryl will blow itself out by the time it reaches western NY.

    1. george Post author

      Fred, energy is the key to the Future. But we need to eliminate (or drastically reduce) carbon dioxide emissions! I’m hoping Beryl runs out of gas (and rain) by the time it hits Western NY! But Beryl has sure packed a punch in Texas!

  6. Patricia Abbott

    As you can see Beryl will hit us first. Not expecting anything too dire compared to Houston though.

  7. Wolf

    Wish you all the very best!
    I also had some hurricane experience in Florida, shudder to think of it.
    Once I was in Miami Beach and on day at 5 or 6 am the Mayor was on tv telling everybody to get off!
    So I jumped in my car, the hotel people told me it wouldn’t be so bad because the hotel was not on the beach, but still I went to St Pete Beach and returned after 3 days.
    The hurricane had changed its mind and went to Ft Lauderdale so I had to have a look – in one hotel on the beach all windows had been destroyed …

  8. Cap'n Bob

    I experienced my first hurricane when I was a little boy in Rhode Island! They have them every year! Ever hear the phrase “hurricane season?”

    1. george Post author

      Bob, but the Hurricane Season used to be from September to December, not in July! And, there weren’t 23 Hurricanes, either!

      1. Cap'n Bob

        Bah! Anything more than a stiff breeze brings the pearl clutchers out in wailing droves! Why, when I was a boy we considered hurricanes a gift from heaven to kite fliers!

      2. george Post author

        Bob, Western NY just got hit with 4 inches of rain in a couple of hours! Lots of thunder! And…more to come this afternoon!

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