M. R. Carey’s Infinity Gate begins with an Artificial Intelligence describing how it came into sentience: the combination of Hadiz Tambuwal (a scientist), Essien Nikanika (a rogue), and Topaz Tourmaline FiveHills (a rabbit).

Carey creates a Universe where Step technology allows travel between parallel worlds. But the multiverse is threatened by two colossal empires: The Pandominion made up of thousands of worlds of living species and the Ansurrection made up of hundreds of thousands of worlds of machines. A war is brewing and worlds will be destroyed by unstoppable weapons.

After 500 pages, Carey leaves us this message: “The story continues in Book Two of The Pandominion.” I’m eager to find out where Carey is going with this multiverse in deep trouble plot. GRADE: B

6 thoughts on “INFINITY GATE By M. R. Carey

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, INFINITY GATE garnered a rave review in the NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW. That pushed INFINITY GATE up to the top of my Read Real Soon stack.

  1. Byrin

    Much like time travel stories, I’ve had enough multiverse stuff to last me for at least a decade. Both are really being beaton into the ground. Also I doubt I’ll be getting into anymore series and sequels. The ongoing trend of endless IP has left me a one-and-done kind of guy. I’m glad you’re enjoying it though and admire your ability to tackle these doorstops.

    1. george Post author

      Byron, the multiverse or metaverse along with Artificial Intelligence push a lot of buttons for publishers lately. Normally, I wait until a series or trilogy concludes before I tackle it–especially if the volumes are 500 pages or more each. But, I made an exception in the case of INFINITY GATE because of the positive, enthusiastic review in the NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW. Now, I have to wait–suspended in mid-air by INFINITY GATE’s cliffhanger–for a year.

  2. Todd Mason

    I’m never too fond of gaping-mouth imagery (Tucker Carlson’s “I’ve just been hit in the head with a 2×4” affectations hasn’t helped there)…where’s the photo from?

    All seems a bit on the cutesy side…but if it’s good so far, I’ll take your word for it…


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